Make it simple.  Make it memorable. Make it inviting to look at. Make it fun to read.Leo Burnett

Check Out These Highlights:

I am so excited today to speak with my guest, Park Howell, about sales and how we can leverage and perfect our business story using the three forces of the story – agreement, contradiction, and consequence that our primal, pattern-seeking, cause-and-effect, decision-making buying brain loves.  

Pushing your offer is just not cool to do because it’s icky.  Using a framework like Park will share with us is brilliant and makes sales growth easy to accomplish!

Park and I will dig into how heart-centered sales leaders can use the ABT (And, But, Therefore) agile narrative framework to clarify your stories, amplify your impact, and simplify your life.

Get To The Heart Of Your Sale Using Your Business Story With Park Howell (EP. 116)

Welcome to the show. I’m happy that you’re here. I hope that if you read the show, you feel my passion for this word sales. People hear it and we get a knot in our stomach of, “I have to pitch. I have to push something on someone.” To me and my guests, that is the furthest thing from what we think sales is.

I hope that between my guests and me, we share some strategies, tips and ideas that are actionable that you can take and apply immediately after reading the show and hopefully make any prospect or client conversations a smidge easier. It’s all about practicing and sharing. Hopefully, this show inspires you to make those changes. My motivational quote to get our brains in the zone of the topic is by Leo Burnett. Leo says, “Make it simple, make it memorable, make it inviting to look at and make it fun to read.”

I’m so excited to speak with my guest, Park Howell, about sales, which is my favorite topic and how we can leverage and perfect our business story using the three forces of the story, which we’re going to talk about. Those are agreement, contradiction and consequences that are primal, pattern-seeking, cause-and-effect, decision-making and buying brain lobes. We’re going to break that down.

Pushing your offer is not cool. Especially for me, I find it offensive. It’s icky. Using a framework like Park and I are going to talk about will help you make sales or make your sales growth easy to accomplish and actionable. That’s how good this stuff is. Park and I are going to dig into how heart-centered sales leaders can use ABT or And But Therefore agile narrative framework to clarify your stories and amplify your impact as well as simplify your life.

Park is known as the world’s most industrious storyteller having grown purpose-driven brands by as much as 600%. He’s a 35-year veteran of the advertising industry. He consults, teaches coaches and speaks internationally to help businesses, sales and marketing leaders excel through the stories they tell. He’s the host of the popular weekly Business of Story Podcast ranking among the top 10% of downloadable podcasts. Kudos to that. Park published Brand Bewitchery in 2020 to help you use his proven story cycle system to craft spell-binding stories for your brands. In 2021, he co-authored The Narrative Gym for Business.


About Park Howell:

CSG 124 | Social Media NoisePark is known as The World’s Most Industrious Storyteller, having grown purpose-driven brands by as much as 600 percent. He is a 35+ year veteran of the advertising industry and now consults, teaches, coaches, and speaks internationally to help business, sales, and marketing leaders excel through the stories they tell. He is the host of the popular weekly Business of Story podcast, ranked among the top 10% of downloaded podcasts worldwide. Park published Brand Bewitchery in 2020 to help you use his proven Story Cycle System to craft spellbinding stories for your brand. In 2021, he co-authored The Narrative Gym for Business.


How to Get in Touch With Park Howell:


That was a huge intro. Please help me welcome Park to the show.

Connie, thank you so much. It’s such a delight to be here with you.

I feel the same. I’m excited about what we’re going to talk about because salespeople get nervous. We are always feeling like we’re pitching. In my world, if you’re not coming from love, care and respect, you’re doing it wrong. Your model is all about honoring that love, care and respect. You have it into this framework that is super cool and useful. Let’s dive in. The first question is why storytelling and why now? Has something changed that has become even more important for us?

The only thing that has changed is that there’s tension in storytelling but it’s been around since the beginning of time. You and I and all of your audience here are Homo sapiens, which you know what that means. We are storytelling apes. We are the only being that we know of that think, plan, organize and act in a story. It’s been around forever. The only change that has made it happen, believe it or not, is the advent of the internet, eCommerce, websites and all of us being bombarded with noise, content and nonsense.

Our limbic brain, this same subconscious brain that our ancestors used to navigate and survive the savanna, is the same brain you and I and everyone else are using to try and navigate and survive this onslaught of communication. Why storytelling and why now? It’s because the three forces of the story enable you as the salesperson to hack through the noise out there and hook into the emotional buying reign. That’s why I’m so tickled to be able to share the ABT with you and your audience.

Why storytelling, and why now? It’s because the forces of the story enable you as the salesperson to hack through the noise and hook into the emotional buying reign. Share on X

It’s such a simple framework. Anybody reading can go and apply it in whatever content they’re writing or working on. They can apply it as soon as after the show. I want to comment on the storytelling. I’m on podcasts a lot as you are since I have good content too, as you do. People want us to be on. We have good energy, enthusiasm and all of that stuff.

CSG 124 | Social Media Noise

In the end, the host will say to me, “You’re a great storyteller.” I giggle and say, “People remember the stories.” You could go say something about this topic, theory or idea but as soon as you translate that to a story, people go, “My friend did that.” There’s this connectivity to the story and the point you’re trying to make. It fast-forwards the whole conversation.

That’s what we want to do when we’re with our prospect and client. We want to build a know, like and trust fast but also to differentiate ourselves from all the noise and crap that’s out there and is getting spewed. It’s free to get on Zoom. It’s free to create a Facebook page or a LinkedIn page. There’s a lot of noise out there. I agree with you on that.


Importance And Role Of Storytelling

They always say too that content is king. That might have been true at the very beginning of the internet when there wasn’t a lot of content out there. There is content everywhere. If people still profess that content is king, I say storytelling is the kingdom’s sorcerer because it’s where the magic happens. That’s why we got to overcome this urge of putting a bunch of sales content out there, take a deep breath and start using stories you can use. You could do less content and have way more impact with that powerful story.

As an aside, somebody requested a LinkedIn connection. I always look because people started hitting on me through LinkedIn, which was so annoying to me. I’m like, “I don’t have time for this.” There were several connections I accepted and then he immediately responded with, “This is what I do. Do you need my help?” I was like, “Oh my God.” I responded, “No, thank you.” He responded, “Do you know anybody?” I was like, “Block. You’re offensive. You don’t know me. You don’t know what I need because we haven’t had a conversation. I don’t even know what you do because I don’t care what you do.”


The Hero’s Journey Vs The ABT (And, But, Therefore) Framework

Since there was no story, there was no value to me in receiving that response from him. People think, “I got to tell him what I do.” You don’t. Nobody cares what you do. It’s how’s it going to affect me. I want to go back. You were saying that content is king. That has been the adage out there in this digital framework. I’ve heard The Hero’s Journey. Why have you found that not to be effective in business like storytelling is?

CSG 116 | Business Story
The Hero’s Journey: Joseph Campbell on His Life and Work (The Collected Works of Joseph Campbell)

The hero’s journey is too hard and complex. That’s what I first learned back in the early to mid-2000 aughts. Our son was going to film school at Chapman University. It is a very solid film school in Orange, California. He graduated in 2010. He spent twelve years in Hollywood and has since moved on to Austin, Texas where he directs virtual reality films.

While he was going there, I asked him, “Send me your books and recorded lectures when you’re done with them since I’m paying for them. I want to know what Hollywood knows about storytelling.” That’s where I found The Hero’s Journey. I got it and I went, “This is such an amazing pattern or archetype to storytelling. Why don’t we use it in business?” I created my ten-step story cycle system based on that for brand, story, strategy and development.

At the top of the show, you mentioned me as the world’s most industrious storyteller. My clients called me that. I loved it so I kept it. One of the very first customers I ever used it on, Adelante Healthcare, out here in Phoenix, Arizona, grew by 600%. I knew I was on something. I started trying to teach The Hero’s Journey to other people so that they could use it too and they didn’t get it. They’re like, “I’m not a screenwriter. I’m a business person. I’m a leader. I’m a sales and marketing person. I don’t have time to try to figure out the 12 to 17 steps or Blake Snyder’s fifteen steps to stories,” which is another take on The Hero’s Journey. They were like, “I don’t have time for that. It’s powerful but it is complex.”

Through all of my work, I found the And But Therefore, these three words from my good friend Dr. Randy Olson. Dr. Olson is a Harvard PhD evolutionary biologist. He has years of tenure. He goes to USC and graduates. Their film school program produces three documentaries on climate change and global warming. He has written about seven books teaching scientists what he learned from story structure in Hollywood so they could communicate their big ideas.

All of the work he does is simply around this And But Therefore. I found it in Randy’s second book back in 2013 called Connection. I called him up. I didn’t know him. We got to talking and became fast friends. I said, “This is the DNA of the story.” He’s like, “I’m a Harvard PhD evolutionary biologist. I should have come up with that.” I was lucky to be able to give it to him and say, “This is what it’s all about.”

I used to teach nothing but The Hero’s Journey in my story cycle system. I start exactly backward. I go with the simplest, most foundational framework and that’s the And But Therefore. Randy and I have been teaching scientists and business leaders about this. We find once you get the ABT down, it builds this narrative intuition. It will revolutionize how you communicate. What I mean by that is most of us communicate in a non-narrative way. We and our audiences to death. We bore them because we never get out of act one or the exposition.

In the And But Therefore, you get one and but then, you introduce the problem or the contradiction that you are going to help solve for your customer. Therefore, it then becomes your call to action like, “Here’s what we’re going to do for you to get what you want.” The most beautiful thing about the ABT is that it makes you do two major paradigm shifts, both of which you’ve already talked about at the beginning of the show.

The first shift is your story is not about you. It’s about your audience. You have to place them at the center of the story. The ABT makes you do that. The second paradigm shift is your story is not about what you make because nobody cares about what you make. They only care about what you make happen in their life. Think of it this way. It’s simply an outcome over offering. Every single time your audience cares about the outcome, they don’t give a crap about your offering. That’s the two things. The ABT gets you in that mindset. It then sets you up to be successful with your messages because you’re using this narrative framework.

Nobody cares about what you make. They only care about what you make happen in their lives. Share on X

It’s powerful. Here’s the other thing too and I know you have found this as well. We, humans, were not taught in school or probably even at home how to communicate effectively. You’re a peer of mine. When I was a little girl, I was told children are to be seen and not heard. First of all, what a horrible thing to say to a kid. At the time, it was like, “The adults are talking. Please sit quietly,” to teach us how to behave.

The pendulum went the other way where we allowed our kids opinions about things they shouldn’t have opinions about because they were much too young or they didn’t have the ability. We’re not taught how to speak, articulate or organize. It’s the beginning, middle and end. That’s how we write a story. I don’t think we’re taught how to do the beginning, middle and end with valuable content.

I remember when my kids were little. I was like, “It’s got to be 500 words,” and it was all fluff. I’m like, “This is garbage. You’re not telling me anything about the topic that you have at the top. You have all this stuff in there because you had to hit the 500 words.” We’re taught backward versus how to communicate. That’s why I love your framework because it’s easy, understandable and actionable.

The more I play with it and perfect it, I rewire my brain. I’m communicating from this perspective all the time. I’m not even thinking about it anymore. That’s when it becomes part of our DNA. It becomes part of how we think, do business and communicate, whether it’s personal or professional. It’s how we think to communicate and add value to every conversation. Can you give us an example of where ABT may be in action? The theory is great. How do I apply this sucker?


A Quick Overview Of The ABT Framework

Let’s give everyone here a quick little overview of the And But Therefore. It uses the three forces of the story of agreement, which is act one. That is your and statement of agreement. You’ve then got contradiction, “But here’s the problem.” You then have the consequence, “Therefore, here’s what we need to do next.”

When you create an ABT, you always want to think about your audience and place them at the center of the story. You put them right up top as if you’re talking to them. As a sales professional, you want to increase sales by 10X. That’s our statement of agreement. You want to get a vision of agreement with your audience. As a sales professional, you want to increase revenue by 10X. If you could get your arms around storytelling and teach it to your team, then everybody is going to be successful across the enterprise. That’s our statement of agreement.

You’re like, “I get that part. It makes sense,” but your sales are nowhere near that because you are leading with logic and reason when what your buyer wants is the emotional pull of a story. There’s your problem. You’re like, “Why is that a problem?” Therefore, learn how to wield the And But Therefore framework to hook your audience from the very start. Hack through the noise, hook into their emotional hearts and move them to action using the power of story. That’s a long one. I winged that off the top of my head. I can simplify it even more.

You can hack through the noise, hook into people’s emotional hearts, and move them to action using the power of story. Share on X

I do a lot of work with the Home Depot folks. One guy asked me once, “What’s the shortest ABT you know?” I always love sharing. “It’s this. You communicate and care but bore. Therefore, tell a story.” That’s as simple as I can think of it. You’re like, “You’re right. I do care,” but unfortunately, you’re boring. We all are boring unless we are leading with an emotional story. Therefore, tell a story. The last short one I’ll give you for everybody here is the ABT is short and sweet but tricky. Therefore, we have to practice it.

With that, I want to introduce you to Christopher Lochhead if you don’t already know him. He is this legendary Silicon Valley marketer. He has got one of the greatest books I’ve ever read on branding and sales. It is called Play Bigger. I highly recommend it to anybody on your show here. Christopher had me on his show. I introduced him to the And But Therefore. This is a guy who makes his living on category design, sales and marketing and that real brand positioning. He was blown away by the simplicity and the power of the ABT. Here’s what he had to say about it. I want to show you how he used it in a tweet and what happened. Check this out.

CSG 116 | Business Story
Play Bigger: How Pirates, Dreamers, and Innovators Create and Dominate Markets

“You gave me a gift with the ABT. In category design, we have this thing called a POV or a Point Of View. It is simply structured very similarly to that of the ABT. This is such a profound insight. It sounds like it’s nothing like the ABT. It’s so simple. You can’t imagine how profound it is. From a point of view, it goes like this. Nobody buys a solution until they have a problem. A point of view starts with articulating, framing, naming and claiming a problem. We can relate to that problem. That then sets up the solution. When people understand the problem/opportunity, then they become interested in the solution.”

“The third piece from a POV perspective is how your product, service or idea, for that matter because you might not be marketing or selling anything, bridges the gap between the problem/opportunity and therefore the solution. With all that said, why do I love the ABT? The ABT takes the thinking that we did around points of view, does a fantastic legendary double-click on it and says, ‘Here is a simple, insanely powerful way to write an instant POV.’”

“That’s why the And But Therefore model is pure genius. It allows you to relate to people. It gives them the butt, which tees up the problem and then the therefore, which points the way to a different future AKA solution. It’s pure genius. It’s easily memorable. If you start to play with it as I have since you taught it to me, like anything else, you develop some prowess with it and it starts working. You’re like, ‘It’s almost weird how this works.’”

The next day, he writes this tweet. He then takes a screenshot of it and sends it to me. It’s the first time he used the ABT ever in his life. This guy is on social media all the time. It said, “Most entrepreneurs would love to design a new category and build a billion-dollar business.” There’s his statement of agreement. He’s speaking right to you, the entrepreneur. He said, “But here’s the contradiction. There is so much startup BS on Twitter that it’s hard to know whom to listen to.” Therefore is implied here but here’s his called action. He said, “Meet David Sacks. He knows a few things,” and there’s a link over to his podcast.

Here’s the most amazing thing. In under about 6 hours, he had over 60,000 engagements with this tweet. He goes, “I have never ever seen activity like that before. It’s the first time I’ve used the ABT.” If you listen to his amazing podcast, he will start every show with an ABT to set up what is the main problem they’re going to be exploring in that show and why should you care from your point of view. That’s one example. You can use the ABT everywhere. You can use it in your email writing, social channels, landing pages and sales presentations. Anywhere and anytime you need to have your message land right the first time, use an And But Therefore.

CSG 116 | Business Story
Business Story: Anywhere and anytime you need to have your message land right the first time, use an And-But-Therefore.


Let me show you one in action. Let’s go to Sharp Electronics. I don’t know how long ago it was. I was doing a virtual session with them which was during COVID with 135 of their sales and marketing team. I was teaching them about the And But Therefore. All I ever have to do and I’ll ask your audience to do the same thing is go to their homepage and landing page. See if it’s making the same mistakes that Sharp made on theirs.

I’m going to show you what happens when you change it to an And But Therefore. In their documents system, this one landing page said, “For years, Sharp document products and solutions have been earning high praise and prestigious awards from leading MFP testing organizations. For Sharp, this represents more than an accumulation of accolades. I’m going to stop right there.

This is a quite long written piece that we’re looking at.

It goes on and on. It’s not narrative. You can put an and before every one of those sentences. It said, “It means that industry experts, as well as customers, recognize that we’re a remarkable innovation, have a user-friendly design and have outstanding reliability.” It’s all about them. It’s not about you, the reader. It’s non-narrative so you could care less about it. You’re probably not going to get past the first line.

Watch what happens. All I did is I took it and reduced it by almost 2/3 of copy, writing it from the audience’s point of view. It’s like, “Shorter runs, quicker turnaround times and complete control over your in-house printing are what you want.” That’s our statement of agreement. It’s then, “But your productivity is stuck on pause.” There’s our contradiction that triggers that limbic brain saying, “You’ve opened up this story loop. You’ve built tension with your but. Now, you’ve got to close it for me because I got to know how this thing ends. Therefore, Sharp digital MFPs and copier printers will have you printing like a pro with our industry-leading innovation, user-friendly design and boundless expandability.”

We’re able to get back in there. There are qualifiers and descriptors but it doesn’t come until the end. You don’t start talking about yourself as the mentor or guide in this story. You are the hero in this story and the protagonist is always your customer. In that statement of agreement, you need to demonstrate to them that you understand who they are and appreciate what they want and why that’s important to them relative to your offering but you have to demonstrate your empathy that you understand why they don’t have it and what gap or barrier they need to overcome to get it. Therefore, that’s how you are uniquely positioned to help them get it through your particular product service offering.

Thank you for showing this. Everybody reading, you read it. I highly recommend going to the YouTube channel. Look at that. Pause it so that you could start to take the template to understand and use it for whatever. If you’re doing a post, starting a LinkedIn article or whatever it is that you’re trying to accomplish, this is one of those episodes where YouTube makes a difference. Hopefully, we’ve enticed them if they’re jogging and reading or commuting to work and reading to us. I hope that this is valuable enough for you to come back. Look at those examples and make them tangible for your world or whatever you’re creating. Thank you so much for sharing that piece.

We’re almost out of time. I don’t even want to use my questions because you’re the genius here with this. Can you give maybe some examples of people using this, whether it’s a small business or for myself and my show when I do my show intro? I could get better so that’s cool. The other thing is even if I’m a career person working in a corporation and I want a promotion or I want to share my idea that would help the department, this is a great way to organize that. You go in and not only are you seen but you’re going to be heard. It’s going to have whoever in that orbit pausing to say, “That was good.” We’ve illustrated why I should get promoted or whatever it is but also why it’s a good idea. I would think this takes a couple of minutes to do.

You’ve got to work on these. First, you’re going to write them. They’re going to be long and involved. They’re going to be too general. They’re going to have more than one narrative going on. You only want 1 narrative and 1 problem you’re solving at any 1 time. It takes a while. You got to sit down and practice them.


Practical Tips And Exercises

The best place to practice an ABT is in your emails. You got to write the things anyway so habit stack on it. Instead of writing these big long-winded emails that you’re trying to figure out what to say while you’re writing it, stop, take a breath and boil it down to an And But Therefore. You’re going to find your emails are way shorter and they get responded to.

You’re right. You can use it anywhere. If you’re on Slack, Microsoft Teams or whatever you’re trying to do this intercommunication, use an ABT for that thing. If you are going in to see your boss and your boss is only giving you five minutes to make your case, you want to have that ABT well in hand. You’re going to go in, hook with that ABT and then follow up with this little anecdotal story that shows your business premise in action. That little anecdotal story uses the five primal elements of a short story, which is an expanded ABT. That would be another episode that we could talk about.

I want your people to leave with this. Here’s the exercise to take. When you’re going to write an ABT, sit down and first identify your audience. Specifically, who are you talking to? What do they want relative to what you’re going to have to offer them? Why is that important to them? How is tomorrow going to be better for them if they get it? That’s what I want you to do.

The audience, what do they want relative to your offering? Why is that important to them? You’re raising the stakes but why don’t they have it? What’s standing in their way? You like to throw some emotion in there. Why are they frustrated? It’s because this isn’t happening. What is it that they’re missing out on? Therefore, imagine what solace you’re going to have and the benefits you’re going to have if you do this with us.

That’s what I want you to do. Write those down and then practice with an email to someone that you’re trying to get to do something. Share it with them from their point of view. What is it they want? Why is it important for them to do it? If they do what you’re asking of them, then they will get what they want. Bringing this full circle to the top of the show, the ABT is speaking from your audience’s point of view. What is it they want? Why is it important to them but why don’t they have it? Therefore, here’s how you are uniquely equipped to help them get it. You always play that secondary role in it. Yet, it’s such a powerful role because we all have mentors and guides in our lives to help us get what we want. That’s what you are as a salesperson and/or the brand.

We all have mentors and guides in our lives to help us get what we want. That's what you are as a salesperson and/or the brand. Share on X

Here’s the thing. For me, it’s tangible and simple. It’s a baby step. The first time I’m hearing about ABT, people are saying, “This is more complicated than he’s making it sound,” but it’s not. That’s why go back and pause the video so that you can see the transformation. Here’s the bigger piece. How many emails have you written? We’re always writing emails. I don’t care what platform, what job you have or what career you have. My kids send me emails. It doesn’t matter. Start to use this framework in those simple things with people.

I’m going to use the word don’t matter. If my kids send me an email, I’m not judging it from a professional standpoint. If you could start practicing with those silly emails or with internal people within your organization that already know you, it’s safe. That’s the best place to try this out because nobody’s even going to know you’re trying this. When you get in front of your prospect and you’ve honed this skill, the magic starts happening.

I love the idea of starting simply with an email. It’s something we do every day. There’s a need. We’re doing it. Put this format in place and see. Do you get better responses to your email? Do you get answers to your emails? That’s another thing. No one reads our emails. Do you see the action using the ABT model? What is the reaction in their world? Are they getting more clarity back from their emails?

Start to pay attention to the shift of the response you’re getting using the ABT model. Like your friend that you showed with the tweet, he had to do a screenshot to say, “Look at this. This stuff works.” That’s what I challenge people to do. Do not only try it but tune into what is that action and what is that reaction it’s creating. I love this. You’re my new best friend. You’re stuck with me.

I love the ABT. I am going to start using this for my intros because it is a good test for me and practice but also on my emails. I’m going to get good at that and then translate it over to my LinkedIn articles and other things that I’m putting out there. There’s always that value added. I’m going to play with this. It’s simple and fun. I’m going to teach my kids too.

Here’s the thing. I was in Phoenix teaching Master Electronics, which is a huge electronics component distributor. I was working with 200 of their sales marketing folks in their annual revenue kickoff. I shared with them the ABT and the other frameworks we shared. One of their national sales leaders goes back up to Seattle after all this and teaches his daughter, Sienna, about the ABT. He even used my online course and took her through it. She used an ABT in a Girl Scouts cookie video. It is so adorable. I wish I had time to show it to you. She gets up there and knocks out this greatest ABT of why you should be buying cookies from her and what it means to everybody. It’s a great example of how you can use this ABT anywhere. You’re using narrative to hook that audience.

It’s the ripple effect. Even my people go, “I enjoy your writing.” I’m like, “ABT? Go follow Park. Let me show you here.” My first thing would be, “Go check out the show and get a vibe of who he is. Here are his links.” This is how we can impact and make a difference in the world by sharing our zones of genius.

The other thing I love that you did and are doing is you see how you started with the ABT and then you said, “There are five more things. That’s another show.” Many times, we love what we’re doing and we’re excited, which is great but we want to share so much that the person goes, “I am never doing any of that. That’s much too complicated for me.” They shut down instead of leaning in to be engaged thinking, “This dude’s onto something. I want to play with it.”

I love this show. I hope everybody finds value. I do want to share that here’s the deal. I was on Park’s website. I also did start the class and loved it. I found it very valuable. You added even more for me. The website is Email Park at Additionally, Park is lovely and generous with all of you. Go to He is pointing to the book on YouTube.

The Narrative Gym for Business is the book that I co-wrote with my friend Dr. Randy Olson. It’s a quick 75-page guide to have by your side as you’re writing ABT to show you how to do it. It has a lot of great examples in it. We have a free copy for you.

CSG 116 | Business Story
The Narrative Gym for Business: Introducing the ABT Framework for Business Communication and Messaging

I love it. I do highly recommend playing with this, downloading the book and seeing the magic that you can make. Park, this would be great to bring them into your organization to talk to. We’re talking sales. That’s our background. You could do this in every department within the organization.

With sales and marketing, I did a huge thing with Walmart Canada for 700 hundred of their health and safety leaders. I was teaching them about how they can do a better job at communicating health and safety using the ABT. I work across the board but mostly in sales and marketing.

Can I tell you simple works? Sometimes, we come up with these complex models because it justifies you hiring me or paying me whatever my salary is. Simple works every time because if I can understand it and then apply it, I’m going to do it versus I understand it but I don’t even know where to begin. It’s too complicated. We don’t help people move the needle on whatever it is that they’re working on.

Thank you so much. This is brilliant. The DNA that you did to the professor was cute where he was like, “I should have had the V8.” It’s an awesome story. Thank you again for being on. Truly, I do want to hear the second part because I love for people to try this. I’m all about once I get this and get the vibe, what’s the next piece that I can enhance what I’m already doing? If you’re game, I would certainly be game to have you on again. You’re a great guest.

I would love to do that and take you to the next level. One underscore too, your audience can do the course that you’re taking called the ABTs of Agile Communications. On that link,, there is a special offer there, which is 30% off that course. It’s where you download your free book there too. Take it and let me know how it goes. Send me your ABTs. I will give you some free email coaching when you take the course. It’s the way you learn.

You got to do it to learn. It’s all about the practice. Practice does make perfect. Thank you so much. That is very generous of you again for that. Thank you for being on and for all these beautiful gifts. It is truly appreciated. To anybody reading, there is more to come. We’ll do a second episode. We could dig in a little bit deeper and keep building that skillset. It’s all about stacking those skills but you have to start foundationally getting it good. We could then add those little pieces. Thank you again, Park.

Thank you.

It is truly my pleasure. I hope you’ll join me weekly as we question, build and discover together. No matter where you are with your skillset in sales, client conversations and even your boss, I do hope that my guests and I provide actionable tips and strategies that you can apply immediately after reading the show. That’s how the magic happens. Reading is beautiful. Applying is where it matters and where you can start to make some mileage within your business career or whatever it might be. Thank you for reading the show. I hope you have an amazing time filled with inspiration and use the ABT. Please report back to Park and me. We are interested. We’re listening and we are curious. We want to see how this goes for you. Park, thank you so much.

Thanks, Connie.


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