Love the giver more than the gift.Brigham Young
Check Out These Highlights:
If you have been listening to this show or following me on other SM platforms, you know I am all about building authentic, real, dynamic relationships where, together, we can grow our businesses and revenue by using love, care, and respect. So you can imagine my excitement when I was introduced to my guest, Rabi Gupta, on how we can use AI gifting to accelerate relationships that help our businesses grow.
Corporate gifting has proven effective, with 66% of people who received a promotional product/gift remembering the brand and 79% saying they would do business with the company again. Are you as excited as me to hear about an AI-based corporate gifting platform?
Building Profitable Relationships Through A Gifting AI Assistant With Rabi Gupta (EP. 121)
I’m happy that you’re here. I start with this but it’s very important. The more we hear things, the more we digest it and the easier for us to accept a gift or an idea and start applying it in our life. My gift is a Communication Style Assessment. We call it the CSA. You’ll get two reports. One will spotlight your natural communication superpowers and how people perceive you. It’s important. On the flip side, you’ll get a report, which is your lowest score. It’s the communication style that you struggle with. It’s important to see that because we shine a light on that blind spot. You communicate more effectively with those that communicate 180 degrees differently than you.
My motivational quote is by Brigham Young. He says, “Love the giver more than the gift.” If you’ve been reading the show, following me on any of my social media platforms or you’re happy to be on my email list, you know I am all about building, and this is the key one, real, authentic, dynamic relationships where together, we can grow our businesses, revenue and our career all doing it from a place of love, care and respect. You can imagine my excitement when I was introduced to my guest, Rabi Gupta, on how we can use AI gifting to accelerate relationships that help us grow our business.
I want to give you some stats that Rabi shared with me. Corporate gifting has proven effective with 66% of people who receive a promotional product or gift remembering the brand and 79% saying they would do business with that company again. Are you as excited as me? I’m a dork to hear about an AI-based corporate gifting platform.
Rabi is the Cofounder and CEO of Evabot. This AI-based corporate gifting platform makes it easy for businesses to send highly personalized gifts to their clients and employees, which helps them build authentic relationships that grow their companies. They serve 1,000-plus businesses, including giants like Facebook, Microsoft, Oracle, AT&T, Zendesk, Silicon Valley Bank, Cigna and so many more.
Before opening Evabot in 2016, Rabi sold his company called iCouchApp. After the sale, he boldly moved to Silicon Valley to start this new company. He had no relationships there. What did he do? He used the gifts to build his network but got frustrated by the lack of technology to make gifting easier. Together with a few of his peeps, he solved this problem using AI and that’s how Evabot was born. Please help me welcome Rabi to the show. I’m excited about this conversation.
About Rabi Gupta:
Rabi is the Co-Founder and CEO of Evabot. This AI-based corporate gifting platform makes it easy for businesses to send highly personalized gifts to their clients and employees, which helps them build authentic relationships that grow their companies.
They serve 1000+ businesses, including giants like Facebook, Microsoft, Oracle, AT&T, Zendesk, Silicon Valley Bank, and Cigna. Before opening Evabot in 2016, Rabi sold his company called iCouchapp.
After the sale, he boldly moved to Silicon Valley to start this new company. With no relationships there, he used gifts to build his network but got frustrated by the lack of technology to make gifting easier. So, together with a few friends, he solved this problem using AI, and that’s how Evabot was born.
How to Get in Touch With Rabi Gupta:
Thanks, Connie. Thanks for having me. I’m also excited about having this conversation. Thank you for the wonderful intro as well.
You’re very interesting because tech for me is difficult. When I received the recommendation from your PR team to have you on the show, I thought, “Wow.” You’ve done it in such a creative way that this gifting can still be personal but you could do it through automation so that your brilliant mind is able to understand the long game like building the relationship with time. We have limited time as a resource. Building them together is a beautiful thing. I was very excited about this topic.
The Power Of Using AI
I’m tech not so I’m curious when I meet people like you who have that capacity to understand what’s needed on the human side and yet understand the power of using AI in a very productive way. It’s important to all business owners but to any corporate client that’s reading as well. We need these resources and if we don’t talk about them, how do we know that they’re available to us at our fingertips? First question, how did you come to realize the importance of that relationship and business with this AI? Is there a story behind it?
When I moved to Silicon Valley in 2016, the biggest challenge I was facing was how to build relationships. In general, if you have grown up in a different country or wherever you grow up, naturally, you’ll make friends and your colleagues who are friends and all of that. It helps with everything including your career progression. When you move to a new country where I moved without a job or anything, I came here to explore. I was like, “If I want to build a new company, that means I’ll not have colleagues and friends from day one.” You want to start a company but then building a company is a very human-driven thing. You need connections and all of that.
Since Silicon Valley is an expensive place, you have limited money and resources to experiment. We had six months of a little bit of cash. I was on a business visa so I still had six months to explore. It was this pressure of how we quickly figured out building relationships. Since I had built a company before, I was like, “What if we use technology in some way to solve this problem?” The biggest problem in building relationships is showing the other person value for their time, getting to know them better and then exchanging of gifts and stuff.
All of these soft things seem pretty natural if you’re growing up naturally and doing these things like going to college and building friends. When you have to do it more strategically, it becomes harder because you have this fear that people might think of this as not a real thing. How do you create that balance? It was very interesting to learn things about the psychology of people. For example, if you talk about, “I want to give you something. I want to send you a gift,” you’re like, “Is it a bribe? Why do you want to send me a gift?” What do people think about that? I looked at all these interesting aspects of human psychology and behavior in terms of building relationships.
At that time, my other cofounder also joined me after a couple of months. We were brainstorming around this and we were like, “If we are able to solve this huge problem for us, then we can solve this for everyone else.” We wanted to first do it for personal gifting or relationship but then we realized personal is still more personal. Professional is where the problem lies. I can have a professional relationship with 1,000 people in companies but that is not possible in a personal relationship. We have these problems. We know that building relationships are important. We know we can use technology.
We tried a lot of stuff and then we came up with this idea of using AI that can ask questions on your behalf to other people in a very engaging way. The other thing we read at that time was there is something called Hyperpersonal Conversation, which is a scientific term. It means that when humans interact with machines like computers or bots and stuff, they’re very honest about themselves because machines don’t judge them. That was the biggest insight we got. With that, we realized that if I wanted to give a gift to someone, I couldn’t ask questions like, “Do you like coffee? How do you drink your coffee? Are you vegan? What do you like to eat?”
It’s very awkward to ask these questions but what if I say, “I’m thankful for your time and I appreciate it. I want to send you something personal to you. You click this link and that’s it. I am not asking for anything. You click this thing, chat with a bot, give your information and then you’ll get a surprise, which matches your taste.” When we did that, people were like, “This is so cool.” They were giving all the answers like their address, what they like to eat, drink and everything. We were like, “This is cool because if we want to do this personally with hundreds of people, we cannot chat like this. It’s impossible to collect data like this.” AI seemed to be the perfect option or solution to solve that problem. That’s how we got started.
I can’t remember the quote but you had a need that you didn’t know people. You had limited money, resources and time because of the visa so you had to do something. Out of that need, you had these very stimulating conversations. I bet they were great conversations. “What about this and this?” That brainstorming component is awesome and then you got this answer. You started doing the research with the human quotient. I’m cracking up when you said that people will talk to the bot easier than humans because the bot we know is artificial intelligence. It has no judgment. It doesn’t give a crap about what we answer. It’s doing its algorithm on the back end.
As a human thinker, I see that in the end, it’s going to match up a gift for me personally so why would I lie? With the human connection, we’ve all been duped, ripped off, conned and sold something that we didn’t need, what they promises and what we got. We’ve all had those experiences. When a human asks you, you’re like, “Why are you asking me that? Are you stalking me?” We then go to that negative rabbit hole. It’s like, “Are you going to come and show up on my doorstep?” That mistrust of human to human, we’ve been taught stranger danger from when you were a kid, yet AI is a computer. It doesn’t judge me. It’s a fascinating conclusion. That’s wild.
That was very interesting to us. We still use that core technology and insight to build other solutions. One of our new solutions is rapport enablement for enterprise sales. That also uses the same insight but then it can do a lot more things than the one use case, which was sending gifts. It can keep track of all the activities and things your prospects are interested in. It can give you updates about things like their favorite sports team, what they like to eat or what’s the weather in that area and all of that so that you’re able to build better rapport. We start with gifts but we are getting into the whole rapport-building exercise.
Target Audiences Through AI
It’s interesting because we’re on Zoom more doing more international. I have a client in France and the UK so we’re doing more of this international stuff. The cultures are different across the United States. You’re on the West Coast. I’m on the East Coast. That alone, there are cultural differences. Within the US and/or in Canada is the same thing. It’s one country. However, all the different provinces are very different. This ability to not only target your audience but then the person within that audience is almost like a surgeon. You know how they go in with the scalpel and they’re very precise. This seems to be a very precise science that you’ve created. Am I understanding that correctly?
You brought up a very interesting point, which is cultural differences and stuff. We see a lot, especially salespeople or remote team members. Our sales team is in India selling to the US. There were lots of cultural contexts in terms of the sports they play. With the weather, tornadoes are not a thing in India but it’s a thing here. You are not able to comprehend that cultural difference and context. However, AI can help you learn more about that. I’ll give you an example. We use our product and talk to a prospect or a customer who is in some other area. I was talking to someone who lives in Utah and there was a tornado warning in Utah.
My system gave me an alert and I’m like, “I saw this. I hope you’re okay. If you need anything, I’m here to send it to you.” There’s a prospect I’ve never met but because of this information, I’m able to connect better with this person. If this person is a fan of say 49ers or something, I might not know anything about the sports but I can go and research. It’s like, “There was a match yesterday and this happened in the match. Let me read more about this.” I can connect more genuinely with this person. It’s not that it’s inauthentic. It’s authentic because I know what my customers care about and I can read more about it. I can be more thoughtful about it.
You’re exactly right. If someone lives in Ukraine and you talk to them, you will make that connection like, “How are things in your area?” This is happening to everyone living in every country. Something is happening. AI can help you get that context and make that cultural connection in a way. That is what we are thinking. Eventually, AI will be your enabler in terms of building relationships no matter where you live. That can be a very powerful thing.
Eventually, AI will be your enabler in terms of building relationships no matter where you live. Share on XIt’s interesting because I remember years ago before computers, I was introduced to a CPA. I was in sales for a financial company and you had to use what’s called Centers of Influence, COIs. Usually, attorneys and accountants are respected in your community. If they give you a referral, you’re going in as a trusted advisor as well. I was introduced to this woman and my kids played hockey growing up. We live in New Jersey. We’re Devils fans. She also lives in New Jersey but she grew up in New York so she was a Rangers fan.
This is what you’re talking about. We used to be able to do it more live but now that we’re global, this is the concept. I walk in and she had this beautiful picture on her wall. It was big but it was where the Rangers play, which is in Madison Square Garden in New York. It was cute. She’s sitting at her desk. I walk in, she stands up, we shake hands and I look over at the picture, I said, “Rangers? Really? We cannot do business together. I’m sorry. This relationship is already over.”
We both burst out laughing. We talked about hockey for about a half hour and that was it. The rest was history. We’re still friends. That’s the power but we are in these different countries and cultures. The world is shrinking because of the internet and Zoom. We have AI that we can tap into to help with that Rangers picture. It’s the same concept. We’re global.
I can’t physically go to India to meet someone to say, “What’s the picture on your wall?” How can we still build that relationship quickly and authentically but also from a place of kindness? I want to comment on your story about the gentleman in Utah who had tornadoes. It came up on your watch. You could have ignored it but you didn’t.
You said, “Are you okay? Is there anything that you’ll need?” What if he did get hurt by the tornado? You were reaching out human to human but that AI opened that door to even allow you to be kind to say, “I hope you and your family are okay.” Everybody is so afraid of AI because they’re like, “It’s going to take over the world. It’s smarter than us,” and all of this stuff. If we use it systematically and thoughtfully, I do believe it can help us with this game of building relationships. It’s a long game.
There are so many of my friends who want to be thoughtful. It’s not that you’re not being thoughtful because you don’t want to but it’s very hard to be thoughtful with everyone. If an AI is there that is helping you be more thoughtful, then you’ll use it. It also impacts you. To give an example, one of my customers, I realized she was not well. She said, “I have to cancel this meeting on Friday. I’m not well.” She had chatted with Eva so we knew the information, I was able to send her lunch on that Friday.
It was a surprise. She’s like, “Thank you so much for sending me this lunch.” I wanted to do something like that at that point. If Eva was not there and I didn’t have that information, it was almost impossible. I’ll be like, “Should I text her and ask her for her address? That’s so weird.” She’ll be like, “I’m not well and now you’re asking me all these weird things.” It was a click of a button, lunch was delivered and she was super happy. She didn’t have to make lunch. These small things, how you enable using technology, are what we are trying to get at.
You believe this based on what you said and I teach this. We think we have to do this grand gesture for the client to differentiate ourselves from our peers by doing what I do with sales teaching and stuff like that. That’s the furthest thing from the truth. We do these little thoughtful things but it’s over and over again because that’s who we are. I don’t know how to not be thoughtful or kind. People see it over and over again and all of a sudden, that adds up to this grand gesture of, “She’s always there. She’s consistently kind and thoughtful. If something happens on Facebook, Connie is commenting.” That’s how we differentiate ourselves. That was such a great example.
Whereas if she was sick and you’re like, “You’re sick, I want to send you a lunch. What’s your address?” She’s like, “I want to go to bed. Leave me alone. What happens with you freak?” AI can capture that information and be able to deliver that kindness. Number one, you didn’t have to do a deep dive. What’s her address? Where does she live? What are the restaurants in the area? You didn’t have to do any of that because the AI does it for us.
Using AI To Level Up
Being in business, it is about efficiency but it’s also about building that relationship. We have to blend the two and use them wisely. Do people say to you, “AI, that’s not human?” Especially with the sales, prospects and clients. When they give you, “AI is bad. It’s not personal with my clients,” how do you respond?
There are examples where people are using it like that. They’re also not wrong. There are different ways in which you can use AI. What it does is whatever you wanted to do, it levels you and your team. If you wanted to do bad things, it can level you up and you can do more bad things. One example is everyone used to send bad cold emails. You know that they’re bad.
Why are you writing such a bad email with the wrong grammar and stuff? You’ll immediately reject that email. My SDRs sit in India and they can write an amazing email using ChatGPT or something like that. That doesn’t make them inauthentic or anything. It’s just that they’re 1 level or 2 levels up in terms of writing a cold email. That doesn’t mean that they should stop thinking. They can think of bigger things. “Grammar is not a problem. I can write a very good email but what should I write? Let me research my prospect. Let me see if I can find some interesting talking points.”
They’re able to think one level above. Before that, they were thinking like, “What should I write? Is this grammatically correct?” They’re thinking about those things that they don’t have to think about now. In a way, if you look at it, in general, AI will level us up. It will make every human do better things with the information that you already have. That I believe is the biggest power of AI. People will worry about it but that doesn’t mean you cannot do good things. You can do great things. We focus on that and that’s the idea.
In general, AI will level us up. It will make every human do better things with the information that you already have. Share on XYou said it well. Bad people are going to do bad and people who are doing good stuff out there, caring and loving and all the things that you do and I do, it differentiates us. It does level us up. It gives us a resource or a tool to be able to do that more. Instead of doing it with 10 people, maybe I can reach out to 100 people. I can amplify my message using technology because there’s only so much time in a day. That’s the reality. You have 24 hours. I have 24 hours. If we can learn to use this AI respectfully and thoughtfully and create systems using it so that we can level up easily without always having to second guess everything, it is important.
You mentioned the ChatGPT. I have that as well. We have to be careful because we certainly don’t want to plagiarize. We want our thought and voice to be in there. If it could pull together a paragraph for a quick blog and save me time and then I could go in and interject my ideas or personality, it saved me time. It’s how we use it.
Rapport-Building Through Evabot
If you think ChatGPT is going to build your business for you, that’s ridiculous. AI can’t do that. We have to be the energy, the human and the thought behind the usage of the AI. On your website, you say, “Rapport isn’t built once. It’s built every day.” I believe that. We have to show up every day. Let people know what we’re about and how we can serve them to fill in the blank with your zone of genius. How do you use Evabot to do that?
If you have to break it down in terms of technical details, what happens is rapport building is more like touchpoints. How many touchpoints? The more thoughtful the touchpoints are, the better is the rapport in a way. There is reciprocity also involved. It’s not that you are doing some things but you are not getting any response back. It’s a combination of these things. What we do is clear a journey. It starts with the prospect and it never ends in a way. Eventually, your customer is your customer for life. That’s the kind of company we also want to work with. The idea is that your first touchpoint is the point when you will have the first impression.
The first impression means, “This prospect is coming to my meeting. I was so thoughtful I sent a Boba because this person loves Boba. This person shows up at a meeting. After the meeting, I sent him a gift.” From this meeting, until this deal closes, it says six months. It typically takes 40 to 50 touchpoints with each stakeholder and there’s 1 stakeholder.
This person will bring more stakeholders into the deal. Eventually, this will go to customer success people and more team members within the company. Every deal is all about people. Every business relationship is also all about people. What AI is able to do is help you create more touchpoints and thoughtful touchpoints.
Every deal is all about people. Every business relationship is also all about people. What AI is able to do is help you create more thoughtful touchpoints. Share on XThe reciprocity and response will also come in because if that doesn’t happen, then there’s no connection. If the prospect is also interested and you are interested, then that gives you an opportunity to start building a relationship. AI will keep giving you nudges as we call them to build relationships. For example, this person’s birthday is coming up. Do you want to send merchandise for their favorite hockey team? You could have thought about it but it would have taken you, first of all, maybe an hour every day on each prospect to think about it.
Also, know all this information, collect and store it somewhere. I don’t know all my clients but if they said, “What should I do,” this in itself is a huge problem. If the AI knows its favorite sports team, it can keep giving you nudges for these thoughtful touchpoints. That is what we essentially do. It’s a very simple idea that AI is able to capture information. AI is able to track everything about the information so it can keep giving you thoughtful touchpoints.
I remember when I started my career many years ago. The rule in sales was the client or the prospect needed to hear from us five times which equated to face-to-face, phone calls and snail mail where we would send out little brochures and stuff like that. We didn’t have computers or emails. It was five touchpoints for them to remember you and then say, “I need insurance. Let me call Connie.” I became what was called the top of mind.
In the human-to-human game here that we’re playing, it doesn’t even matter the price point of what we’re selling. The rule of thumb is anywhere from 14 to 18 touches. With what you’re saying about our prospects that could potentially be our clients, they’re not ready for us yet, perhaps or whatever is going on, they need those 40 to 50 touchpoints, which is impossible to manage. If your pipeline is full where you have new leads coming in plus you have to service your clients on the backend, it becomes a daunting task. I want to send out a card or an eCard for my client’s birthdays. How do you manage that database plus all of the other stuff?
Other Uses For Evabot
I have another question. With your AI, the Evabot, it’s like a CRM system if I’m understanding this correctly, where you input information about your client. Through the AI, they’re picking your ideal client. They’re searching LinkedIn or wherever. They’re hitting your radar so you can respond based on the Evabot digging. How does that work? You’re talking about gifts but there are other ways you could use this Evabot if I’m understanding correctly.
The core of this is gathering intelligence on your customers or prospects so that you don’t have to do it. We don’t come and ask you to fill a database. We are not a CRM. CRMs are empty databases. You have to fill them out. We have all the information. You don’t have to worry about the data. We will give you nudges based on data. We know where this person lives, what he likes to eat or what she likes to drink. Do they have kids or pets or not? I’m not going to give you this personal information because we don’t directly give personal information to the client who wants to send something but we will help you with a nudge.
For example, you want to send a lunch. We know exactly where to send and what to send. There’s a concierge powered by this technology that is able to do all of these actions very easily. There are also details like non-physical actions. This person’s favorite sports team won a match and you can talk about it. Those are two different things in which our system enables you to do all of this. It doesn’t ask you for any data. It captures the data on its own. You have to show the intent of building a relationship. You’ll say, “With this relationship, I’m happy to start with a $50 treat or a gift or something.” That is reciprocity.
Why someone is sharing their details is because they’re also getting something. It’s an honest relationship. It’s not like, “I’ll capture everything about you but I’ll not share anything. I’ll not send a treat or a gift.” What we say is very honest like, “This person wants to send you a treat. We don’t have enough information about you so let’s chat for 1 minute or 2.” The bot chats with the person to collect all these details, including their birthday as well. All of this information is in the system and it will start giving you interesting nudges about the prospect or the customer.
It fast-forwards that personal conversation because you’re gaining personal information that could take several conversations and people open up. It goes back to what we started the show with that they’re not afraid to talk to the chat because there’s no judgment there and I’m going to get a gift at the end of this. What’s typically the return on the investment? Everybody is thinking, “I’m spending all this money sending all these gifts out. What if none of it turns into business? I’m broke now.”
The first thing that we always do is we are not in the business of teaching someone the importance of building relationships. When we started with the gifting use case, we tried this but for any companies, for example, who didn’t believe in gifts and stuff, there was no point in going to them because you don’t want to teach them the importance of willing relationships and gifts.
The first premise is that rapport or relationships are important. If you don’t, then we cannot help. What we will do is we’ll help you build it better in a more strategic, methodical way that you can see and measure and gives you tools for your sales team to do it in a very easy way. What we cannot promise is if your product is bad, then I cannot do anything.
In every sale, 50% to 60% is the product or services that you’re offering and 40% to 50% is the rapport you build as you move along. We can help you with the rest of the 40% to 50% but if your product is bad, we cannot do anything. That’s how we try to pitch it, not that there is a clear ROI. The clear ROI is in terms of we can promise that your no-show rate will decrease because people will feel more appreciated and they’ll show up at meetings.
The second thing we can do is increase the number of thoughtful touchpoints that you can easily see. Every sale is telling their salespeople, “You should do more thoughtful follow-ups,” but they don’t have any idea how to do that. “We can show that we sent you 100 ideas about this prospect in the last 2 months. Whether you did anything with that or not, I don’t have any control over but I was able to give you these thoughtful ideas and touchpoints.”
This is so important because people come to me and they have one call a month. “I cannot help you make $1 million. You need to get more leads in.” You’re a very strategic lead generation. My services are good. I get a real return on the investment for my clients. It’s very tangible. I can share that but they have to like me, work with me and get my vibe. My lessons and structure, does it fit and feel comfortable to them? If not, they’re not going to work with me and that’s okay.
These touchpoints get the right people in front of me to say, “Connie is so kind. I love her energy and vibe. Whatever it is, I love her strategies.” They’re then going to work with me and then it’s my job to make the sale. If I have zero leads coming in and you make the one sale, good for you but you’re still going broke. You’re the lead generation. I come in and teach people how to close but you have laid this beautiful groundwork that the closing process getting me from meeting or thinking, “I could use you,” to making that sale and having them become from a prospect to a client, the trajectory is super fast if I’m understanding it right.
Lead Nurturing
More than lead gen, I would say it’s more lead nurturing because we cannot help you with the generation of leads. Once you have a qualified lead and they also want to engage with you with a first meeting, at that moment, they’ll trust a system like ours. There needs to be a mutual buy-in from both the sides like, “I also want to engage with you. If you want to send me a treat, that’s fine.”
You cannot do spam and people are like, “You’re sending me a treat so I want to talk to you.” That is very weird. It’ll never work. We have to have that balance and you’re right. Once you have identified the lead, they are interested in working with you in some way or at least they’re interested in talking to you, then we can help your human side or your relationship-building side prosper in a big way.
People would say that this company is very thoughtful or this person is very appreciative. “I want to work in this company because they care about me.” They’re not always talking about themselves. Every sales call we have seen, even though I take so many meetings and other people are trying to pitch me for their product, most of the time they talk about themselves and their product and then go away. They never try to learn more about me or do something for me. Nothing. “Why should I care? I have 100 things to do and there are 100 competitors for your product. Why should I buy your thing?”
It’s funny because on LinkedIn, I’m sure you see this, it’s that AI out there that says, “I see we have a lot in common. Let’s connect.” You have a couple of people in common but let me accept the thing because you only know the person. You accept. All of a sudden, you’re filled with, “I’m an HR executive. I help business owners grow their revenue by ten times.” Some of them are sales things. I could teach you sales and think clearly that was an AI. It was not you and then you respond like, “Leave me alone. I’m not interested. Thanks.” They then come back and be like, “Are you sure you don’t want to ten times your income? I can teach you sales.”
I block them because I don’t have time. It’s impersonal. You said something important. People want humans. We want to be seen, heard and understood. I don’t mean this in an egotistical way if I was your client but once I understand that you get me, you understand me and you’re providing a solution that’s going to help me in my situation, I feel seen, heard and understood, that’s going to start to build the rapport.
If you start vomiting nonsense at me, they’re talking to you about how they can help you and they haven’t asked you even a question to understand who you are, your AI almost asks the question so that you come in and start to understand who they are. As you have these humans to human conversations, we know what to build on. This almost stacks the deck in our favor to put us ten steps ahead of where our competitors could be because of this knowledge that the person has provided.
One other thing that we have seen is if you have a texting relationship with a customer, for example, even if you don’t get the deal, that champion or the stakeholder will tell you why you didn’t get the deal. If you don’t have that connection, you’ll never get to know. You’ll always feel that the deal is stuck but you will never know the real reason why it’s stuck or whether it’s going to happen or not. We can help you get there. Whether you win the deal or not, we can help with that.
That’s up to the person. To me, what you help is mutual respect. We’re forgetting that respect is a key ingredient in every conversation, personal and professional. I was laughing when you were saying with the nudges. Follow-up is the last step in my personal sales process but I teach people. It’s called CPR, Consistent, Persistent and Respectful follow-up.
Most salespeople stop after that 5th to 10th touch. That’s not enough anymore because we have too much noise in the world. People need to hear from us more frequently and respectfully, not every day like, “Have you thought about that?” That’s obnoxious. Go away. You’re repulsive then instead of me saying, “I do want more information from you.”
This is such an important artificial intelligence. The way you’ve set it up is smart because it helps us, the business owner and corporate clients. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a corporate salesperson or a business owner. This is a fabulous tool. We’re out of time but I want to share your information. If you have questions for Rabi, connect with him directly. It’s You do have a gift, which is a funky link. Can you tell everybody what the gift is, Rabi?
It’s what we do. If you engage with the link, we’ll send you a treat and we will get to know each other better.
We love presents so thank you so much. That’s very generous for everybody to come and see it in action. Talking about it is one thing but then showing and seeing it go through the steps, it’s super helpful. Thank you for sharing that with my audience. I do appreciate it. Thanks for being on. It’s so fascinating. With your brilliance, I’m wowed. You’ve impressed me. Oftentimes, people who are good with technology but they don’t have the people skills. You’re lovely. You have the people skills and you understand how we can leverage that and amplify it using artificial intelligence. Thank you so much for our conversation and for sharing your beautiful product and services with us. I appreciate it.
The pleasure is all mine. Thank you for asking such powerful questions. It was very interesting and easy.
Rabi, I’m curious. I’m tech not. When I saw it, I’m like, “I can’t wait for the show.” Here’s the thing. There are probably a lot of people like me out there that are thinking, “How can I do a better job? I’m heart-centered but how do I amplify that when there’s only 24 hours in a day?” You are a great solution to that. Thank you for bringing it to the market. It’s super helpful.
Thank you.
It’s my pleasure. Thanks for being on. I hope you will join me every episode as we question and build to discover together. No matter where you are on your journey of changing your sales game, career or position, I truly hope my guest, Rabi and I provide stories, ideas, tips and strategies for you to take and implement. Go and chat with the bot and see what cool gifts you get from Rabi. Thank you for reading the show.
I am so honored that you join me on this journey of change and in this case, changing our sales game. I do hope you’re inspired by the conversations. Please take the information and apply it in your life. What magic happens, that’s on you. I believe you could create some magic out there. Go and visit the gift and see what gift you get. Have some fun with this. Thanks for joining me. I’ll see you next time. It’s truly an honor to have you with me.
Important Links:
- Communication Style Assessment
- Evabot
- Gift
- – 121. Rabi Gupta – A Gifting AI Assistant to Help Build Profitable Relationships
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- Connie’s #1 International Bestseller Book – ESP (Easy Sales Process): 7-Step to Sales Success
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