Become the person who would attract the results you seek.Jim Cathcart

Check Out These Highlights:

Throughout my sales career, my managers seemed to use numbers as the sole measurement to identify if I was successful at sales. The funny thing is that it takes time to generate real, consistent results, and there must be an element of a behavior change to generate the results we seek.

During my four decades in sales, I learned that looking solely at numbers is very dangerous. Managers need to coach their team’s performance by using REAL life observations as the foundation to understand where the sales rep may need some new skill development to generate the numbers and revenue the organization seeks.

I have learned that we need to shift from managing numbers. We must coach humans to generate the results that are required.


Changing Sales Behaviors Drive Results With Angela Kristen Taylor (EP.125)

As you tune in to the show, I do hope that you find value between my guests and me, and the tips, strategies, and stories perhaps that we share so that you could take those ideas and implement them into your life. I have a free gift for you to help you on this journey of changing your sales game or career. This is a business show in which sales is a piece of every one of our lives.

I have a free Communication Style Assessment. That is my gift to you. You’ll get two reports. One will spotlight your natural superpowers of how people perceive you when you communicate. On the flip side, you’ll get a second report, which is your lowest style. That’s almost more important because it shines a light on those blind spots that we don’t even know are there. That will help you communicate with people that are unlike you, or communicate from a 180-degree different perspective. Please use it. Hopefully, it helps you communicate more effectively with your clients, your family, as well as with your peeps at work.

My motivational quote to set the tone for the show is by Jim Cathcart. He says, “Become the person who would attract the results you seek.” Throughout most of my sales career, my managers seemed to use numbers as the sole measurement to identify if I was being successful in sales or not. The funny thing is it does take time to generate real consistent results, and there must be an element of change in behaviors to generate the results for the week, the month, or whatever it is or however you’re being measured.

I’ve learned during my four decades in sales that by looking solely at numbers, it becomes a slippery slope and it’s dangerous. Managers need to coach their team’s performance by using REAL-life observation as the foundation to understand where the sales rep may need some new skill development to generate the numbers that we’re measuring to generate the revenue for the organization. I’ve also learned that we need to shift from managing those numbers to coaching the human so that we could generate the results that are needed, both for the organization as well as for the salesperson or the person on our team that we’re coaching.

In this episode, my guest is Angela Kristen Taylor. She is an Integrative Productivity coach, a writer, and a speaker. Angela serves as a transformational catalyst for business owners, entrepreneurs, and sales professionals. Angela’s signature method, Productive Flow, integrates emotions, energy, time, and focus to help clients create a natural productive flow and achieve higher levels of success in business and more importantly in life. Please help me welcome Angela to the show. Thanks for being on, my friend.


About Angela Kristen Taylor:

Angela is an Integrative Productivity Coach, writer, and speaker. Angela serves as a transformational catalyst for business owners, entrepreneurs, and sales professionals. Angela’s signature method, Productive Flow, integrates emotion, energy, time, and focus to help clients create a natural productive flow and achieve higher business success and, more importantly, life.


How to Get in Touch With Angela Kristen Taylor:


Thank you. I’m happy to be here.

For me, it’s such an important conversation because I see it over and over. One of my programs with my clients is I teach them how to coach their teams, what observation looks like, how they should observe, and what they should be observing. What happens is they go back to those old habits after the training if I’m not coaching them further. I see that they start saying, “How many accounts did you open? How many phone calls did you make?”


What Is A Sales Matcher

I’m not saying those are not important statistics, but we have to observe the behaviors because behaviors will drive the numbers ultimately. This conversation is extremely timely on this topic because you talk about a sales matcher, which is different from a sales hunter. This is the lingo that you use in your business and with your clients. Let’s start there. What is a sales matcher? How is it different than that hunter?

CSG 125 | Productive Flow


The first thing that we need to look at to understand this is that people who are in sales training are taught to look for and recruit the sales hunters as the people who are out for the kill. Everybody understands the sales hunter term because that’s something that we’re taught as sales trainers to look for. All of the training and everything is about how to make the most number of calls, how to persuade the most amount of people, how to get that sale, and then move on to the next.

The matcher is the opposite of that. When you’re a sales trainer, you’re taught to focus on the top 20% because those are your hunters. The others are going to cycle in and out. It’s like, “Don’t worry about those people. They’re the low producers. Don’t focus on them. Focus on the top 20%.” The problem is that if you’re only training the top 20%, and you’re ignoring 80% of your salesforce, then you’re missing a huge opportunity.

A sales matcher has strengths that your sales hunters will never have. That’s what gets us into understanding who the sales matcher is. It’s someone who is more focused on the person than the sale. They want to create a match. They believe in the product or service that they’re selling so much. They believe it’s going to change someone’s life. They believe it’s going to make such a huge positive impact. They want to be a small part of that.

A sales matcher has strengths that your sales hunters will never have. The sales matcher is more focused on the person than the sale. Share on X

For them, the sale is about making that positive impact on someone. It’s not about how many calls I made or how many kills I take down. It’s focused on the person, building relationships, connecting, and follow up and follow through after the sale. Your sales matchers are more likely to build personal relationships. They do take longer to make a sale, but then they build relationships. They’ll have that same customer coming back over and over. They generate more referrals.

When you train and motivate that sales type, now you’re motivating 80% of your salesforce. You’re training, motivating, and inspiring them. The keyword is to keep them inspired because that’s how they operate. As opposed to the sales hunters, they’re just like, “Give me a phone and a list. I’m good.” They don’t even need your training. They got it. The 80% need to be inspired because they feel a true connection to what they’re offering these people. They want to connect to these people from a heart-centered place.

Forty years ago, when I started selling insurance, my manager would scream at me every day because I would meet with the client. I was very good at making the appointments. I’ll share a funny aside, Angela. Back in the ‘80s, women typically weren’t selling insurance. In my particular sales office, there were 43 men and me, to give you an idea. It was weird and uncomfortable but that is what I wanted to do with my life.

When I would get on the phone, people would make appointments. Back then, I had a female voice and it was softer. It didn’t appear as pushy and aggressive. I was good at getting appointments. I was making cold calls. Fast forward, I would then go in and I would be me. What does that mean? I would go and talk to the client. There’s a point to the story so bear with me as I go through it.

I sit with this client. He’s a blue-collar gentleman. He has a wife and two little girls. He had a job where he could get hurt or die. It’s one of those dangerous things with blue-collar. They build bridges or that kind of stuff. I sit with him and I said, “Here’s the deal. Your cashflow is such that you’ll make that payment for 5 or 6 months but then it’s going to lapse. You’ve thrown away $500 or $600 that you’ll never get back. Plus, you don’t have the insurance and now you have a little bit more financial distress. We need to make sure you can pay your mortgage and put food on the table but I also have to get your cashflow in order because then you’ll be able to afford the insurance and keep it.”

At first, he was like, “No. I need the insurance.” I’m like, “I understand you need the insurance. My fear is that it’s going to end up lapsing.” I put him on a budget. We talked every week. “How did it work? What didn’t work?” At about five months, I had him saving money, plus understanding his cashflow. We sold the insurance and it never lapsed. He kept it.

Here’s the thing with what you’re saying. I would go back to the office. I would tell my sales manager what I did and he’d scream, “You need to stop doing that. It’s free advice. What is wrong with you? You’re not getting paid.” I’m like, “You do you. I have to do me.” I believe he needed it. I understood the importance but I can’t sell something that’s going to end up lapsing. He goes, “You get paid. What do you care?” He was a sales hunter and I was the sales matcher. I said, “It’s my income.” At that time, I was living at home, which was a blessing for me. I had the freedom to be honest and do the right thing.

Here’s the point and you said it in your definition of a hunter versus a matcher. That particular client sent me all of his friends and family. I was a kid. I had no network. I didn’t know what I was doing. In two years, I was living off of referrals because I built such a solid base through integrity and honesty. I loved my clients and they knew I was there to help protect them by selling something I truly believed in. I know they needed it, but you have to do something and then make sure it lasts.

Otherwise, we’re wasting everybody’s time and money. That’s not cool in my world. I got yelled at a lot. I was told I was an idiot in front of other people. I have to tell you, in my twenties, think about that from a confidence builder. It took me a long time to step into my own power because I was being told I was an idiot, stupid, and all these other things.

We have to shift from that way of thinking because it’s the long game that we’re playing. The long game is where you’re able to scale and make money so you could get off that treadmill of making those new cold calls. You’re not building a good reputation because you’re selling for the moment and not selling to the person’s needs.

You're not building a good reputation because you're selling for the moment and not to the person's needs. Share on X

It’s very much needed because our society has changed and it’s continuing to change. We’re in a transition period collectively. The paradigm of what it means to buy and sell is very different from the way it was back then. I started in commission-based sales in 1988. It was exactly that. It was being told that there was something wrong with you.

There are a lot of things that will take away from your confidence. What happens with salespeople who are in that role, that type of behavior in sales training, sales mentoring, and sales management still exists today. It shouldn’t but it does. The thing is that we’ve learned over time that that’s not who we want to be. It’s not just people like me and you that are sales matchers, but collectively as a society, we’ve realized, “We don’t want to be that.”

People pay much more attention to boosting people’s self-confidence and empowering others versus always tearing them down. In the sales world, this hasn’t shifted as much as it has everywhere else. This is an area that needs to be addressed because what happens is the people who are sales managers, you got to understand what made them like that. This is where it comes into a lot of my work with productivity with entrepreneurs and sales professionals.

A lot of the reasons why we’ve chosen to be in the profession that we’re in is because we’ve been told throughout our lives by sometimes well-intentioned loving parents, it doesn’t always have to be abusive, although it can come across that way, that we don’t know what we’re doing. We’re not capable of doing what it is that we think we want to do. We’re laughed at and made fun of. Oftentimes, it’s in the guise of, “I’m trying to protect you, keep you safe, and prevent you from thinking you can change the world when you can’t.”

That is the limited perspective of the people that have shown up as our role models. We grow up thinking we’re in these two different mindsets of feeling like, “I can do this. I can make a positive impact on the world.” At the same time, feeling like, “Nobody else believes that I can.” When you go into a role in sales and you feel like, “I finally found something I connect with. I believe in this. I’m going to change lives and make a difference.” You get out there and you’re faced with this type of sales training that tells you not to do it that way, to not care about the person, and to focus on the goal, which is to sell and make money for the company. They’re missing the boat on the matchers who can make more money and impact.

What’s interesting is that this goes back to the movie Miracle on 34th Street if you remember when that was made. You see the Macy’s Santa Claus come in. He’s sending Macy’s customers to other stores like, “We don’t carry that but Gimbels carry it. You can get it for a better price over here. We have this but the quality is not as good as the one you can get over here.”

At first, the floor manager was like, “He’s doing what?” He then gets the customer that comes to him and says, “I’ve never been much of a Macy’s customer but let me tell you, I will be a regular Macy’s customer now.” That is the impact that sales matchers will make on your salesforce if you allow them to do their thing and show up with that level of integrity, care, and concern for these people. That is what’s going to build a much bigger and stronger company for you than any of those sales hunters ever will.

It’s a cultural thing. It’s funny. I have a new client. I’m in Jersey and they’re in New Hampshire. We’re building their culture. It’s not, “What do I think?” It’s, “What do you think?” I could teach the behavior so that when they’re client-facing, they’re delivering what your expectation is and then we can build the consistency from location to location so every client feels that value.

Here’s the other thing too. I won’t take on a client that doesn’t believe in building a culture that is client-focused or the client journey is at the core of it or how we’re delivering. I’ve walked away from business. Especially when I started my business, we didn’t have that much money in the bank. I had two little kids at home. You got to be true to yourself. It’s like your soul is talking to you about what the right thing is.

CSG 125 | Productive Flow
Productive Flow: You need to be true to yourself. It’s like your soul is talking to you about the right thing to do.


I had one client. She came through my signature program. It’s my nine-week online program. On the first day, she was so adversarial with me. She said to me, “I suck at sales. I hate sales. There’s no way you’re going to change that but I figured I could always get a refund.” I thought, “The gauntlet has been dropped and the ball is in my court.” I teased her. I said, “I accept the challenge.”

She shared with me, because when someone says that, there’s a lot going on behind those emotions. They were pretty strong emotions. This is what blows my mind. She had spent $10,000 on a program and all they did was yell at her, “You’re not charging enough. You suck at sales. Your product is horrible.” It was put down after put down. “If you’re not getting a 25% refund request, you’re doing it wrong.”

She comes to me and tells me this. I was horrified. I said, “First of all, that is not how I roll. You’re going to get a very different feeling from what I teach.” This is the kicker. By week three, she had made back the investment in my program, plus another $10,000 on top of that. What was the big shift? I changed her mindset. She was a matcher but she was being trained by a hunter. Her confidence was so depleted. I was offended that this still goes on in 2022. It’s offensive.

Here’s the thing. There are so many better ways beyond me, like you. There are other people out there that understand that we’re playing the long game and we need to come from that very hard-centered perspective. I’m telling you, after 40 years and you’ve been in the industry for about 30 years, the long game works.


Stopping The Hunter Perspective

You make the money that you need to make but you serve bigger and we could show up bigger in the world. We need to stop this madness of the hunter perspective. People are probably unsubscribing that don’t believe in what I’m saying. I’m okay with that because if I’m not for you and I’m not your cup of tea, that’s okay. I’m in 100% agreement.

When you have the sales hunter and they’re showing up and doing their job, they’re going to get it done and get it done quickly, 100%. What happens is that after the fact, when there are customer service issues, somebody has a lapse in their policy or something like this, the sales hunter is out. They’re done. They don’t care. They’re not part of the deal anymore. They’re like, “I did my job. I made my sale and my money. You’re somebody else’s problem now.”

CSG 125 | Productive Flow
Productive Flow: When you have the sales hunter, and they’re showing up and doing their job, they’re going to get it done and get it done quickly, 100%.


It’s not to say that they’re wrong. It’s just to say that that is one mentality and that the matcher has something else. The matcher is someone who follows up with their client after the sale. They’ve made their money. They’re done, but they’re like, “I still care about this person. I want to make sure that everything’s going well and that they’re getting the results that they wanted to. If they didn’t, I’m going to make it right.”

As a matcher, it doesn’t have to be part of your job but you’re making that part of your job because that is part of who you are. It’s how you operate. That’s what leads to referrals, added business, and things like that. People will say, “I would never go anywhere else.” You don’t have those refund requests and people saying bad things about you online or anything like that. You have people that are gushing about you. Referrals are passed not because you asked for them, which is a sales hunter trait, but because someone was so happy about what you did that they have to tell other people about it. This is what they want to talk about. They want to do it. It’s a huge difference.

The ripple effect is exponential. It’s the one-and-done and moving on. That’s one of the things I teach. You’re leaving so much money on the table. I don’t know about you, but if you look back 3 months, 6 months, or even 1 year, our lives change in different life stages or whatever is going on. If we have changes in our lives, aren’t our clients and customers having changes in their life?

By not following up, you’re not being a planning partner with whatever your zone of genius is, and you’re not able to serve them down the road. You’re leaving it up to them to go out and search for whatever that next solution is even though you have the answers and they trust you already. We leave money on the table and those opportunities behind because we’re one and done.

There’s no criticism or judgment for me. That’s not how I’ve ever rolled in 40 years. The proof is in the pudding. I make my money. I’ve had my career. I’m successful, whatever that means to you. I’m successful in my world with my family. I’m not making a bazillion dollars a year but I’m okay with that. I’m happy where I am because of what I get to do every day.

Here’s the next question. I want to talk about accountability because that’s another piece. Everybody is going, “This is a little woo. Sell it from your heart. There goes Connie with her goofiness.” Here’s the deal. When you were describing the hunter of making the calls and doing the things, I do those things too.


Shifting The Focus

I know the tasks and things that I need to do to be able to get in front of my ideal client, have those wonderful conversations, and have them become lifelong clients of mine. We build these wonderful relationships, but you still have to have accountability. You can’t make one phone call and think, “I’m heart-centered.” You have to make 100 phone calls to get in front of the 10 people or whatever the statistics are. If the sales matchers could make their training with that accountability piece in there, what would happen to their division or organization? What do you see happening once they’re committed to that frame of reference and approach?

It would be amazing because it’s like what you’re saying. You’ve got to make the calls and do the things. A lot of times, the reason that the matchers fall off the map with traditional sales training is that they have a lot of insecurities inside of them. That’s where that need to serve comes from, but traditional sales training doesn’t tap into that. It says, “You have these insecurities. That’s why you’re not a fit for our company. We’re going to ignore you and make you feel bad about that, and then we’re going to focus on our top 20%.”

The thing is that if you train to the fact that you know who these people are, you know what stops them, and you know what stands in their way, and you’re empowering them to take action anyway, then you’ve got something amazing. Let me give you an example. When I first started in real estate, I was taught to cold call because that’s what we did back then.

You've got something amazing if you know your clients, what stops them, and what stands in their way, and you're empowering them to take action anyway. Share on X

I called for-sale-by-owners, expired listings, and things like that. A lot of times, when people found out I was a realtor calling them, they would get angry and hang up. The first thing I would do is call them back and say, “I’m so sorry. We must have been disconnected.” They would say, “No, we weren’t disconnected. I hung up on you.” I’m like, “I’m so sorry. Did I say something wrong? Did I offend you in some way?” “No. You’re one of a million different realtors calling me all day long. I just want a buyer.”

I’m like, “That sounds frustrating. I can understand what you’re going through and experiencing. How long have you been trying to sell your house on your own?” The whole story would come pouring out. They would vent and let it all out. I would sit and listen. I would be understanding. At the end of it, I had an appointment.

Sales hunters don’t pick up the phone and call that person back. They hit the next number. They’re like, “These people don’t care. Next number. I don’t have time for that.” Taking that time makes such a difference. The problem is that most of your sales matchers won’t do that either because they are so put off by the fact that, “This person yelled at me. I feel like I’m withdrawing from my shell right now. I don’t know what to do about that.”

What happens is the focus is primarily on themselves, “I feel hurt and down. I feel triggered and traumatized by what happened. These people yelled at me and hung up on me.” If we turn that focus around to focus on what is that other person going through, that’s a natural turn for them. They are so quick to make that turn when you direct their focus because they want to be there. They don’t want to be focused on triggers and traumas. They want to be focused on, “How do I give to this other person?”

When you tweak it like that, then they’re able to turn that very naturally and easily. They can very confidently pick up that phone again, call that person back, have that deeper level conversation with them, and make the positive impact that they want to make. That not only gets you the sale but it empowers your salesperson to know, “All I have to do is look past myself and my fears, and look to this other person and put my focus on how I can make a positive impact on them.” It shifts everything.

Accountability and motivation become things that instead of “How many calls did you make,” it’s “How many people did you make an impact on today?” It’s just languaging and tweaking it a little bit. If somebody is in that sales match or role and they’re focused on numbers of dials, there’s nothing in that to inspire and motivate them. If you tweak the language and say, “How many people did you make a positive impact on today,” all of a sudden, they’re inspired and motivated like, “I got to make more positive impacts. I got to make more calls.” It’s that simple.

CSG 125 | Productive Flow
Productive Flow: Tweak the language to inspire and motivate.


Here’s the other thing too. You got to reach out and network. You can’t sit home and think, “People are going to be knocking on my door because they need me.” You have to get out there and brand yourself. All of those things that we learn to do are still good habits so that we are visible. It’s funny when I meet with my clients and we talk about culture and all of that, “We’re going to do a follow-up. What does that look like?” Phone calls or whatever it is.

I always say, “Let’s have a process.” It’s got to be tangible. They then know what to do. Once people know what to do, typically, 80% are going to do it because it’s the rules, “This is what’s expected of me. I’m going to do it.” It’s an accountability measure. If they don’t, you still have that accountability measure, “What’s going on? Why aren’t you doing it?”

There’s another thing too when we have this follow-up process. You have the accountability and what the process looks like. The other thing my clients and I talk about is I say, “There has to be a preparation before the phone call. If it’s a business owner, go on their website and look on LinkedIn so that when you do get in there, your first sentence is something that’s connective. It’s not like, ‘I’m another person calling you because I’m making a cold call.’” That’s my process. I don’t do cold calling. I try to set up warm calls through networks, introductions, and stuff like that.

That’s another process but at the end of the day, the person has to have quality conversations. It’s not like, “Let’s throw spaghetti against the wall and see what sticks.” If we could strategize, it takes a little more time upfront, which I get but the output is going to be exceptional. From a productivity standpoint, we’re working smarter, not harder in getting these results at the backend instead of dialing and wasting your time but also wasting that potential client’s time.

When you waste that potential client’s time because they think you’re a smooth talker, if you will, for lack of a better word, they might have been your ideal client but you approach them in an incorrect way for them to want to buy from you. This goes back to what you were saying. We got to look at where is this client, what is their situation, issue, problem, pain point, or whatever you want to call it. “What is it right here, right now? How can I help? How can I become a planning partner so that not only am I helping you today but how can we put things in place so that we can make your tomorrow even better and think through that?”

Whether it’s me or not, once I understand, I could bring my vetted network of people I trust to the table. What did I just do? I further validated my value to that client and professional friendship, whatever you want to call it. It matters. It’s got to be where’s the customer and how can I meet them where they are, not let me vomit what I have on them, and let’s see what sticks.

From a productivity standpoint, this is 40 years of experience. This is my experience. Somebody could have been a cold-calling person for 40 years and have an equal amount of success. We’re not judging that. We’re just talking from our frame of reference. Here’s the other thing. It’s more fun and easier to do it our way versus that kind of cold call, especially for the sales matcher. It’s a softer way to approach the business.


Building A Strong, Balanced Salesforce

Like what you said about knowing who your client is and how to approach them if you know who your salespeople are and you know how to approach, train, and motivate them, then you have what it takes to build a strong balanced salesforce. You’ve got to do that because if you’re just kicking 80% of your salesforce to the curb, expecting them to cycle in and out, there’s a cost to that.

CSG 125 | Productive Flow
Productive Flow: Know your client and how to approach them. It builds a strong and balanced salesforce.


It’s not just your cost in sales but it’s your cost in constantly onboarding, training, recruiting, and all of that in your hopes to get more sales hunters. People are coming on board saying, “I’m a sales hunter. I can do it.” They get on board and turn out to be a matcher. They think every time, “This company is going to be different. This company is not going to yell at me. This company won’t be a toxic environment for me.”

What happens is because the sales training is no different everywhere they go, it’s the same experience. They keep cycling and barely making their minimums. That’s a sad place to be. It’s knowing your salesperson, training, and motivating to that personality type, and understanding that there are two different types of salespeople. That’s all there is to it.

When you coach, your coaching is going to be different for those two types. That’s my Communication Style Assessment. I believe there are five primary styles in the way we communicate. I’m talking about communicating. If you can identify my sales leaders that are tuning in and you can identify who are the sales matchers, right there, that will help your coaching and your production on the back end. That’s number one.

You use my Communication Style Assessment. Overlay that or stack it and identify what style they are. Are they heartfelt advocates? Are they innovative organizers? I can coach to that piece of the puzzle. What I’m teaching, they hear and receive. They go, “I can now go out and duplicate or do that.” We have to understand who’s in front of us from a training perspective when they do get in front of the client.

Here’s the other thing too. With my CSA, if you’re a sales matcher or a hunter, it doesn’t matter. You can still use that in your sales conversations. How are your clients perceiving your messaging? Here’s this ripple effect with two tools that we’re talking about, identifying the hunters and matchers, and then identifying what the communication style is. You’ve increased productivity by taking those two little pieces of the puzzle. The ripple effect is so fascinating that whenever we have these conversations on the show, it’s beyond what we’re talking about. There are all of these ancillary ripples that come from the core idea or context of our conversation. I love this.


Productivity Breakthrough Session

People, you need Angela in your life. Go to her website, which is If you’re a team leader and you have a question for Angela about the difference between the matcher and the hunter, her email is You do have a free Productivity Breakthrough Session. Can you tell everybody what that is?

My approach to productivity is integrative. It’s emotion, energy, time, and focus. It’s understanding what experiences have created blocks in our ability to go after the things that we want, take daily actions, and be productive, efficient, and organized to get there. It’s designed for people who are dealing with stress, chaos, overwhelm, and being burnt out. They feel like they’re spinning their wheels and nothing is happening.

The Productivity Breakthrough Session is a great way to get to the bottom of that. I have a big form on it. You fill out the form. It’ll asks you all kinds of questions about your life, business, and background. If you fill that out fully and completely, then what that does is it gives me the picture that I need to see to get right to the root of what’s going on.

It’s a 30-minute appointment with me but I can usually get to that breakthrough moment within the first five minutes if you’ve done your job on the form. I see the picture. I can go right into it and tell you exactly what’s going on. People are like, “That has been right in front of my face my whole life and I never realized it.” We spend the rest of that time on the call giving them a solution for how to move forward from there.

You said the forest from the trees. I had a conversation with a colleague and I said something. He said, “He built on it.” I looked at him and go, “Was I in the weeds on that? I didn’t even see the forest.” It’s sometimes having that conversation. The other thing you said, I even take forms as well. If they don’t give me enough information, then you get on these discovery calls. I call them helpful calls because I want to help them. Whether they buy from me or not is irrelevant.

If you don’t give me enough information upfront, then I’m wasting time asking you the questions, whereas if the intake form is critical. If you go through, do it quickly, and it’s not relevant information you’re sharing, the discovery call is not going to be helpful. Put the time in. It’s the quality versus the quantity. Put the quality in and the conversation with you can be life-changing. Thank you for that. I’m so honored that you’re offering that to my folks. I love it.

Thank you, Connie.

Everybody should take advantage of that personally. We’re made from the same mold. No judgment on other people’s processes. We’re in line philosophically with how we approach sales. Thank you so much for being on. It’s a great conversation. I loved it.

Thank you. Likewise.

I hope you will join me weekly as we question, build, and discover together. No matter where you are on your sales, career, or whatever it is, I hope Angela and I shared stories, ideas or tips or we gave you something to percolate on to say, “Wait a minute. I am a matcher. I’ve been doing it. I’ve been taking the road uphill instead of the road downhill.”

If you had those a-ha moments, that thrill me and make me so excited. I’m going to end on this note. Information is a beautiful thing. If you do nothing with it, it’s simply information. Once we start applying it and take one baby step, watch the magic that happens on the back end. Angela, thank you again for coming on, and thank you for joining me. I truly wish you an inspired week filled with change that you can be in control of. How about that for this episode’s objective? I love you all. Thanks for tuning in. I hope I’ll have you next time. Have a great one.


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