Story, as it turns out, was crucial to our evolution — more so than opposable thumbs. Opposable thumbs let us hang on; a story told us what to hang on to.Lisa Cron
Check Out These Highlights:
Lately, I have noticed that having a digital presence is a necessity for your career or business. It’s a glimpse into who you are, what you do, what you stand for, and your core values both personally and professionally.
It is important for people to see you as a person instead of just a business. If you really want to earn their trust, you need to harness the power of your personal story. You can always find a way to weave personal details and feelings into the business stories you tell, and when you do, they will work much better at creating points of human connection.
For me, it is always about the human connection and how we can show up to support our ideal clients. So our stories matter and can impact your career or business growth!
The Power Of Your Business Story With Kristin Spencer (EP. 111)
I’m happy that you’re here. As you join me and you tune in to this show, I truly hope you feel not only my passion for what I get to do every day but also my guest’s passion. What they’re doing and when they come on to share information with you, it’s all about sharing their passion and expertise to hopefully help you move the needle on whatever your business or career positioning is.
To help you on this journey, I have a free gift for you and a tool. I have my Communication Style Assessment. You’ll get two reports. One spotlighting your superpowers, how you show up naturally without thinking about it. The flip side, you’ll get a lowest score report, which is usually a blind spot, so you’re not always sure how you’re showing up. It’s important to see both sides of your coin. Take it, use it, and I hope it helps you move the needle wherever you are in the change model of your life.
Additionally, if you love the show, which I hope you do, please subscribe so you don’t miss an episode. Share with your peeps. Sharing is caring and if you can rate and review, I so appreciate when you guys take the time to write a review. It means a lot to me because it’s time out of your busy day. I always appreciate it.
My motivational quote to start and set the tone for this show is by Lisa Cron. Lisa says, “Story, as it turns out, was crucial to our evolution — more so than opposable thumbs. Opposable thumbs let us hang on; a story told us what to hang on to.” I’ve noticed that having a digital presence is a necessity not only for business but also for our individual careers. It’s a glimpse into who we are, what we do, what you stand for, your values, all of those things. It shows both personally and professionally who you are. It’s important for people to see you as a person instead of a business.
If you want to earn their trust, you need to harness the power of your personal story. You can always find a way to weave personal details and feelings into the business stories you tell. When you do, they’ll work so much better at creating points of human connection. For me, it’s always about the human connection and how we could show up to support, hopefully, our ideal client or whatever career you’re in, to support the people in your orbit. Our stories matter and can impact not only our business but also our career growth.
About Kristin Spencer:
Kristin is a bestselling author, ghostwriter, copywriter, and founder of the business writing firm Literary Symmetry. She helps business owners by writing their stories for them (in their voice), refining their offers, and building the foundation of consistency they need before they can make visibility count. Having written more than 30 books and edited many others, it is her professional passion to make sure that the business owners she works with are able to change the world for the better, one story at a time.
How to Get in Touch With Kristin Spencer:
- Website
- Complimentary 30-minute masterclass (complete with a plug-and-play PDF)
I have an amazing expert. She has worked with me personally. I have used her. She’s amazing. Her name is Kristin Spencer. Kristin is a bestselling author, ghostwriter, copywriter, and Founder of the business writing firm, Literary Symmetry. She helps business owners by writing their stories for them in their voice, refining their offers, and building the foundation of consistency they need before they can make visibility count. Having written more than 30 books and edited many others, it is her professional passion to make sure that the business owner she works with are able to change the world for the better. It’s always one story at a time. Kristin, thank you so much for being on and this is an important topic.
Thank you, Connie. I’m excited. Anytime I get to talk about storytelling and business growth, I’m thrilled. Thanks for having me.
It’s funny because knowing you and working with you. With my sales training, we do a value statement. It’s hard to write about yourself, especially if you’re not a writer, because it’s being braggadocious and we’re told, “Don’t do that. You look like a jerk.” That’s one of the toughest exercises I ask people to do. I’ll tell you, they think, “I’m never going to say this with a client.”
I go, “You will. If you don’t even have that story or who you are and what differentiates you from your peeps in your industry, the customer’s never going to hear who you are at that soul level. Your story is your story and what makes you so unique.” We’re talking business owners, but everybody reading, this is all transferrable. If you have a career job with a corporate client or work for someone, what we’re going to talk about is equally important for you because it’s your brand. You are unique. Let’s amplify that out there so that we shine brightly in the world with whatever our zones of genius are.
One of the things I always like to point out to people because they’re like, “Kristin, you’re obsessed with stories. You have a degree in Literature. You’ve written all these books.” I’m like, “It’s not just me. It’s you too.” I ask them, “Think about the people in your life that you love being around.” They’re like, “All right. I’ll play along.” I’m like, “Think about your interaction with them. Are they good storytellers or not?” They look at me and they’re like, “That’s what we do. We sit and tell each other’s stories.” I’m like, “Every person that you like being around is a good storyteller, so why wouldn’t you want that for your business as well?”
Every person that you like being around is a good storyteller, so why wouldn't you want that for your business as well? Share on XIn the cavemen days, they couldn’t speak necessarily, but they drew pictures to tell their story. Those stories were handed down like Jesus Christ. All of those ancient things were written in hieroglyphics or whatever in cave walls were handed down. That’s how we even know what went on and deciphered those stories. Stories have been around since the evolution of man. Why wouldn’t it be important to spotlight who we are?”
Stories: The Secret Weapon Of Business Communication
I use, and you know this too, because you’ve helped me with my copywriting and my emails, which I’m so appreciative. You did such a fabulous job. Thank you again. As I was reading, I tell stories because sharing a story fast forwards people’s understanding of the concept you’re trying to teach versus going through all the technical whatnot. It’s boring. The story makes it more engaging, but it’s easier to digest and fast-forward people and whatever that learning or teaching is. It’s such an important skill to gain. Other than what we’ve said, why do you feel stories have become even more impactful of late than even maybe a few years ago?
Now we’re seeing a lot of studies. Our friend’s science is telling us all the things we thought are true. We know that storytelling increases information retention and human connection. I like to geek out on this term but don’t worry, I’m going to explain so that all of you readers who are like, “I can’t geek out with you,” but it’s called listener-speaker neural coupling. Connie, have you ever played Simon Says?
It’s like that in your brain when you use a story and it is involuntary for the other person. Their brains’ patterns will match all of the patterns inside your brain. You’re connecting with them on a level that science proves. I love talking about this because it’s validation for what I do, but also because isn’t that the coolest thing?
I had no idea. That’s crazy. Through storytelling, it almost helps them mirror what we’re thinking or our thought process because they become engaged in the story. Am I understanding that correctly?
Yes. Their brain views them as being in the story with you. They feel like you’re going alongside. As you know, and you talk about this so often how communication is the most important aspect of sales, imagine you go on an adventure with someone. Are they going to trust you? You’re looking for a buried treasure, you’re climbing a mountain, or something like that. You can do that now with your words. It builds the same know, like, and trust instantly as if you were one-on-one with them, doing something where your souls are bonding with each other.
I know because, again, you did copywriting for me, my Eliminate the 5 Layers of Buyer’s Resistance. It’s a free workshop I run a few times a year, and one of it is The Three Little Pigs and Sales. What do The Three Little Pigs and Sales have to do? You’ll have to tune in to my Eliminate the 5 Layers to find that out. People giggle, but they go, “It makes sense how when you take a concept that we’ve known since we were little kids and apply it to a real-life situation.”
I understand they become part of the story. I never realized that, Kristin, but that’s what the story does. How fascinating. I love that you geeked out on that. Now I’m geeking out on it. We’re two dorks in love right here that we’re sharing this wonderful intel. How did you discover that writing books was something that you could do? It’s weird to say, “I could write a book.” I would never have said that prior to writing my book.
My story is that I never thought I couldn’t write a book. When I was thirteen, I was like, “I’m going to sit down and write my first novel.” I thought it was normal because I was so into stories. One of the things I always say is, “I used to follow my parents around with not just one book but a pile of books until I could learn to read.” My mom told me, “We made the mistake of buying you a child’s encyclopedia set.” If I skipped one thing, you would notice and make me go back, even though I couldn’t read yet. I’ve been obsessed. In my brain, there was never a thing that said I couldn’t do it. When I started doing it, I was like, “There’s more to this than I thought.”
My first novel got abandoned and I was like, “I don’t want to be a writer because I want to make money.” I didn’t think I could make any money writing. I tried for a while as a fiction writer and also as a writing teacher, so I would help other people write their books. I realized all my friends who make good money are copywriters. I was like, “I can do that.”
I found someone who could mentor me, who was geeking out on stories like I was, because a lot of people kept telling me, “Kristin, you cannot combine copywriting and fiction writing, storytelling.” I was like, “I don’t think that’s true because all of it is formulas.” That’s the thing about storytelling. That’s the thing about book writing for me. I use a formula.
Anyone can write a book. The thing about storytelling and book writing is that there’s a formula. Share on XI invented a formula based on reverse engineering Malcolm Gladwell’s books because he’s so popular and he helps people so much. I was like, “What is he doing?” I reverse-engineered it and I made a pattern that I could follow and that people can follow because anyone can write a book. My husband’s always like, “Don’t say that.” I’m like, “I will say it.” Not everyone can write a book like I can because I have the years of professional writing experience. I have the degree in Literature. I’m a certified copy editor. Books are on autopilot when I write them. My brain automatically knows how to do it.
Someone else who’s like that is Stephen King. If you read his book on writing, he says, “Don’t follow a pattern. Don’t do all this.” However, if you’re reading one of his books, he follows all of the patterns. He does it automatically. I don’t tell people to take his advice because he knows how to do it. I tell them, “You can do it, but is it the best use of your time? That’s the question.”
I’m giggling because here’s the deal, Kristin. It’s intuitive for you. At age thirteen, you wrote your first novel. That is not normal because I never wrote a novel until I was 59. That’s your zone of genius. That’s the gift that you were born with. I’ll share a quick story to illustrate what I’m talking about. When I was a kid, I was like, “I’m going to be a salesperson. I’m going to teach people how to sell.” I didn’t even know what that was. When I was 5, 6, or 7 years old, my siblings and I, there were four of us, whenever we wanted to do anything, my mom’s natural instinct was, “We can’t do that. We can’t afford it. We don’t have the time. I can’t take you.”
She was home and my dad worked all the time. My siblings would say, “Go ask mommy.” “You go ask. Go ahead.” “You go.” I was five years old. I would go in, but this is what I would do. I go, “Ma, listen. I’m going to ask you something, but I want you to think about it. Please do not respond with an immediate no. Hear me out.” Not only would I tell her why, what we wanted to do, but why we wanted to do it and how it would benefit her in some way, free time away from us, or whatever it was. Fifty percent of the time, if she said, “Maybe,” I go, “I’ll take it,” and I’d walk away.
I keep thinking as I would be walking away. She must have been peeing herself that this little kid is going through this whole negotiation process of, “Listen to me first before you make a decision.” I then educated her, but I know I was doing the system when I was five years old. I was doing it for me. If I explain the why and how it benefits her, she might say yes to us and 50% of the time, she did. Forget about it. My sibling said, “You go ask,” but that’s because it was my natural zone of genius. I didn’t think about it. I didn’t know how I was doing it. It was intuitive. It’s the same thing for you with writing.
It goes back now to the last thing you said, which is important. Everybody can write a book. You have the mechanisms, the process and the tools to teach them how to do it. I will tell you, is it worth your time to do it or to hire someone as the ghostwriter, which I know you also do as well. For business owners, it’s important. Time is money for us.
How Ghostwriting Can Increase Sales And ROI
If we could be spending time elsewhere making money and still you finding our voice, which by the way, Kristin, you’re exceptional at. I felt like you found my humor and goofiness in my emails. That’s your job. That’s what you’re good at. For you to write those emails was cost-effective for me. I’m getting the results on the backend, but I was able to do my business. That’s the critical piece. Everybody thinks, “I can’t,” or, “I can’t afford to.” Me, as a business owner, as a business, we do need to write a book. It increases our authority on our subject. Whether it’s real or not, it’s real in the marketplace. What do you think about that?
I am about to take on the entire ghostwriting industry by myself because that’s how I roll. You know how extreme I am when I was like, “Let me see if I can write 125,000 words in 5 weeks,” and I did it. I can’t say what companies they work for, but I have friends in high places and they told me, “Kristin, the problem that you’re facing as a small ghostwriter is the same problem we face with our giant agency in that we cannot get an ROI, a Return On Investment, for people making this giant chunk of investment.”
Copywriters are expensive. Ghostwriters are way more expensive than copywriters because it takes you 10 to 15 years to learn how to write in an effective way. Writing is not easy. There are all these systems running in the background and for a lot of people, it’s not natural either. They will pay $1,000. A good ghostwriter can charge $1 per word. That’s what I charge. People are like, “What?”
The thing I combined it with is what you are an expert at, which is sales. If you can write your story and your client’s stories or the wins you’ve gotten, the fails you’ve had, all into a book with a pattern that entices them to purchase from you, you can get the ROI back. Before I even work with someone as a ghostwriting client, I’m like, “You should do my offer audit.” I did an offer audit with you. You didn’t even know that’s what we were doing.
I was like, “Here’s your offer.” I then asked you a bunch of questions. I was like, “Here’s your new offer.” I pointed out all the value. As you said, it’s so hard to know your own value. I was like, “This is worth way more than what you’re charging. Let’s bump all of this up.” I had to learn to do that because my clients were shortchanging themselves and they weren’t getting the money back from working with me. I was like, “I don’t want to be like everyone else and just say, ‘You have a book. That was my job. Peace out.’”
I was like, “How can I get them the money back?” The first thing to do is look at their zone of genius. Look at their offers, revise it, and then flow it in through the book. That’s why I’m confident. I’m going to go take on all the big guys because they’re not doing it. They don’t have the foresight. They know that I’m doing this. I’ve talked to them. I told them this is exactly what I’m doing. They’re like, “Good for you.” I’m like, “I gave you a bunch of free value. You’re not even going to listen to me. Chill. I’m going to go do my own thing.”
I’ll share, to go back to the offer, I thought my offer was good. I had it stacked well. I had a bunch of bonuses to the fast action. I’m all about take action. I’m going to reward you because that’s where the magic happens. If someone is anxious and not anxious in a bad way but, “Let’s get this going,” I am going to reward you. I had all these bonuses and one of them, I had zero value, written or priceless.
You go, “What does that even mean?” I go, “It’s hard to put a value on that.” You’re going, “BS.” When I described it to you, you put a tangible value. I go, “That makes sense.” Even me as a sales expert, my own stuff, it’s hard to see a tangible value. In this case, it’s a dollar amount so that people could see what they were getting true value in those bonuses. I was short citing myself because I thought, “Can everybody do that?” You’re like, “No.” It was cute to be schooled by you, by the way. I appreciated it.
What did we do? Do you remember? We were going through it. I asked you to tell me stories about the different offers. As soon as you told me the story, in your head, the value I said matched. That’s the problem you were having. You’re like, “Can I charge this?” I was like, “What happened when you did this last time?” You told me. I was like, “Yes, you can charge that and more.” Let’s be real. What has happened? What are the results that you’ve gotten?
That’s part of our story as a business owner. A lot of business owners will shy away from that because they feel like they’re bragging on themselves. If you can get the result and you’ve gotten the result, don’t lie and say that you’ve gotten the result when you haven’t yet. That’s not okay. That’s dishonest. If you have been able to do it and replicate it and you have a proven method, be honest about it. Otherwise, the people who need your help won’t hire you and won’t get the results they need to grow.
It’s funny because we say bragging when we tell a story about ourselves, the achievements, or how we’ve helped someone else. It’s a story about how we helped a client. It’s not a story about me and how great I am. It’s real value of, “This is the client, this was the situation, this is what we did, and this was the ROI,” or whatever on the back end, whatever the value was. That’s not bragging.
Yet we’re taught, “Don’t be like the jerk next to you that’s going on and on how great they are.” That’s not what this is about. It’s subtle, but it’s factual. I’m glad you mentioned that because don’t make crap up because sometimes it’s funny. I’ll know somebody who’s been doing something for two years and they put all these miraculous results and I go, “Load of bull.” You see right through it.
They’re not well versed enough doing something for two years to have the kind of results that they have, unless it’s technology-driven if you have the secret sauce of something that somebody could buy for $1 million. That’s not what I’m talking about. The basics, though, people are, “I did their marketing and I made them $3 million.” It’s bull if you’ve only been marketing for a few years. I don’t buy that. You don’t have the expertise.
They’re telling the story wrong where they’re like, “I’ve been doing this for a few years,” but they’ve been working toward it for the last several years. They’re like, “I just figured it out.” The stuff that comes before your part in the story right now was preparation. That’s something else. I encourage people. I do this in my story. If you hire me to write your stories, I’m like, “What’s something weird that prepared you to do what you do now?” They’re like, “What do you mean?” I’m like, “One time, I had a client who went to different thrift shops and bought jewelry and broke it apart and made her own. She’s creative.”
I’m like, “This ties into what you do right now. People will remember that. That’s what you want. You’re planting the seed of a uniqueness.” We talk about your unique selling proposition or your unique selling vehicle, whichever acronyms you want to use. If you can show up as your unique self and tell a story about how you got into the thing you’re obsessed with now and you love to help with that has that little seed of uniqueness, people are going to remember you and relate to you. It’s so vital to have that.
If you can show up as your unique self and tell a story about how you got into the thing you're obsessed with now and how you would love to help people with that, people are going to remember you and relate to you. Share on XI’m curious, why did you choose to do this for business owners? You can’t do everything for everyone. It’s Marketing 101. You got to go a mile deep, not a mile wide. Why business owners? What was the spark for you with that?
I helped my own business. I took my own business out of obscurity. I adjusted. I used storytelling to get a bestselling book and to help people write fiction. That’s what I used to do. I realized I grew my own business through storytelling and we’re making money. That’s cool. What if I could help other business owners? When you’re an entrepreneur or you’re in business, you have that heart for other business owners. I know you have this or you wouldn’t be in this industry, but you feel like, “Their potential is insane. Let me help them.”
That’s when I was like, “I want to help other business owners get the success that I felt.” I knew so many that were struggling. I could see that all of their messaging was messed up, but I knew their message. I knew their story. I started helping business owners and they loved it. I loved it. It was one of those things where I was like, “They will pay me. They have money.” People who are dreaming of writing, let’s say, an epic fantasy trilogy and they hire me, they don’t have money.
I’ll teach them how to do it. I have a book that will teach them. It’s $7 or something like that. It will walk you through. I have people writing these and still, they’re like, “I finished my book because of you.” It’s amazing. They have to learn how to market their book. If you’re a writer and you don’t know how to market, you’re in trouble. Even traditionally published authors are expected to do almost 100% of their marketing these days.
Building Your Sales Funnel Beyond The Book
I work with a lot of authors, too, because they don’t know how to sell it. They don’t know how to approach it. I have authors come on my show and I say, “What’s your free lead magnet?” A lot of them go, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I said, “It’s something referencing your book, but it’s a cheat sheet, a little image that shows me the pathway, or a little blueprint of what you’re talking about in the book.”
This way, you get people because when people buy from Amazon or they listen on Apple, you don’t know if they’re interested. If they’re interested, they’re going to download your free lead magnet. In that case, the blueprint or whatever. Now they’re on their email list. You’re nurturing them. A year from now, they might be ready to buy from you, but if you lose that opportunity after them listening, you’ve left money on the table.
Many times, they go, “I never thought of that.” I’m like, “That’s why I’m in sales. That’s why you’re not a sales expert. You’re an expert in whatever you’re writing your book on.” You have to go to the right people, Kristin. You need to go to the right people for the support. There’s no way any of us could do this alone anymore.
I feel with the digital presence, everything has become noisy. How do you rise above the noise? I knew I didn’t have the expertise to do that because I’m good at talking. I’m not good at writing. Stay in your lane. This is another thing. Hire the people that you need to help support and move your needle forward. In this case, it’s a return on time, but it’s a return on the investment. The two of them go hand in hand.
Everyone can learn to write. You should learn to write. There’s a book I’m going through. One of my friends who’s also big in the messaging space was like, “Have you read They Ask You Answer by Marcus Sheridan?” I was like, “No.” He’s like, “I can’t believe you haven’t read it. You’re going to love this because it’s about storytelling.” I went and read it and his idea is that all marketing should be inbound.
Now what I’m doing is taking all of the things I had used to teach fiction writers and I’m packaging it in a way that will help business writers because I will help you. I will set up the foundation for you. I have different offers. I’ll teach you and you write it, and then you can pay my editor to edit it or you can pay more and I’ll write it.
You have the foundation and I’m giving you the tools to keep writing your content because I have a unique talent. Connie, you saw it. I could write in your voice. How many people have you worked with that say they’re in marketing and they can’t write in your voice? I realize that I’m rare because people tell me that all the time. At first, I was like, “Not everyone can do this.” “Of course, everyone can do it.” No.
I realized I need to help people who want to write in their own voice because I can’t make twenty of me. I’ve tried. I’ve done experiments. I’ve trained people and it doesn’t work. What’s the next best option? Show someone what their voice looks like in writing, which I do. They’re like, “That’s me. That’s what I sound like.” Give them the tools they need to create the content. I’m not in the business of, “You pay me every month forever and I work for you.” I don’t believe that is fair.
I want you to stand on your own two feet. Let me give you the tools to do that. I’ll be your safety net. You have to learn how to do this. It’s easier than most of us think. It’s funny, you’re right because I have worked on my writing. I’m good at speaking, not writing. Writing my book was such a great experience because it challenged me certainly, but I had to learn. You have to learn.
The Secret To Powerful Copywriting
Now I can write. I’m comfortable. I think I sound intelligent enough. It’s not my favorite thing to do, I’ll be honest with you, but I know I can do it when I have to because it’s my stuff. That’s the other thing too. You can’t hire somebody for every little thing because that’s penny-wise, dollar foolish. We want to make sure that we can do what we need to do. What should you be thinking about when people write their copy for their business, whether it’s a book, emails or whatever? What position should they be coming from?
You have to turn off the part of your brain that says, “I want to write it this way.” No one cares how you want to write it. You need to think about what the person sitting on the other end needs to hear. That’s something that I get into arguments with business owners about all the time. They’re like, “This is my business. I want it to sound this way.”
I’m like, “It’s my job to tell you that you have to stop caring about that. It doesn’t matter what you want.” They get mad. I’m like, “It matters what the person that you’re trying to help needs to hear. If they don’t hear it from you, they will assume you do not understand how to help them or how they feel. They’re going to leave and find someone who will talk to them instead of someone who’s talking to themselves because that’s what you’re doing.”
Isn’t that funny? We kick it out of our own head. It’s a dangerous place to be. When people say that, they’re like, “You’re so interesting.” I’m pointing to my head. I go, “It’s scary in there. I don’t know that you want to go.” It’s true because we have our own limiting beliefs. We limit ourselves. We’re not good enough and all of these things. We think we know what the people need.
I’ll share. I’ll make you laugh. Years ago, when COVID hit, I started networking on Zoom a lot and you’d meet people and then they would go to my website after. One young lady I met post the network we got together, she went on my website and she goes, “I got to tell you. Your website’s very informative, but I thought it was a librarian’s website. I then met you at this networking event. You’re a ball of fire. I went to your website and it was like, ‘I can’t be in the right place.’” My picture was so businessy.
It’s super professional.
It’s very corporate. She goes, “You look like a librarian.” I’m like, “It does?” I’m thinking, “I’m giving the vital information for people to know to see that I’m an expert and I know what I’m doing, but it didn’t spotlight my personality.” Kristin, you know this too. We’re not everybody’s cup of tea and I’m okay with that.
If you want to work with me, we’re going to have fun. We’re going to laugh a lot. We’re going to move the needle. We’re going to move fast and all of those things. If you want the stodgy, corporate kind of image person, that’s not who I am. I’m casual about things, but we get it done. You know me. I get things done.
It was so funny when someone verbally told that and I rebranded to change from Whitman and Associates to Changing The Sales Game because of that reason. I’m thinking, “I’m not even spotlighting myself truly what my zone of genius is because nobody knows who I am.” It’s sad that we stifle ourselves like that because of an image or because we think this is what we should be doing. That’s dangerous.
That’s one of the first things that I address. I’m working on a book right now. I’m working on two books because I can’t help myself. I’m on sabbatical, so I get to write as much as I want, which is amazing. I am working on two books right now. One of them is how to build your own storytelling machine for your business. The first thing I do is go into mindset.
I’m like, “Mindset is your machine’s operating system. Without this, nothing else works. The cogs, the wheels, the bolts, the nuts. Nothing can put out a story until you deal with this part of yourself first.” I always tell this story. When I first met my husband, he was like, “I had been praying for years that God would make me less weird because I knew I would never meet anyone.” I’m weird. In my family, we call ourselves wonderfully weird.
I met him and I was like, “I’m so glad that none of those prayers were answered because your weirdness is perfect for my weirdness.” We should be looking for that with clients. Old White men will come to me and they meet with me and they’re like, “How do I can trust you?” I’m like, “If you don’t trust me after the 30 minutes we spent together, then don’t hire me, please. I’m not going to let you hire me.”
I have so much information out there. I have all these books. I’m on every social. You can go check out my LinkedIn, which is full of actual people that I interact with on a regular basis. A lot of them are my clients too. If you don’t feel like you can trust me, we’re not wonderfully weird together. We’re not a professional couple. We’re not doing this.
That’s our ideal client. That’s how we find our ideal client. People have to be casual and laugh at themselves. It’s okay to fail. Let’s laugh because with every failure, there’s a lesson learned. You need somebody to spotlight it. I want to comment one thing before we end the show. You mentioned mindset. I recorded a show earlier with a financial expert. She’s a wealth manager and we talked about going from poverty to wealth and the mindset. The first thing she does is mindset.
In my modules with my nine-week program, the first module is mindset. You talked about mindset and people are, “I’m so sick of hearing about mindset.” If your mind cannot fathom or be open to what’s possible, that’s the shift in the paradigm to what’s possible, then start exploring, playing, and be curious, you’re never going to get anywhere. All this information is simply that information.
Once you open your mindset to say, “I’m curious. I like what Kristin’s saying. Let me explore this more,” that’s your mindset. You’re working on your mindset. That’s when the magic starts happening. I believe everything we do, I don’t care what your business, industry, or career is, your businesses has to start with mindset. Especially when we’re working with others and they need us to teach them or to help them align or move forward, whatever it might be. Our zone of genius to help them amplify their message and impact in the world. I see it more and more. If used properly with each of the zones of genius, it becomes super impactful for all of us.
I work with a lot of service providers. When you’re working with someone, one of the main things you bring to the table is you allow other people to borrow your belief. If you don’t believe in yourself, how can they borrow that belief from you for them?
When you're working with someone, one of the main things you bring to the table is that you allow other people to borrow your belief. If you don't believe in yourself, how can they borrow that belief from you? Share on XHow could they amplify their voice? It’s funny because when I teach or coach and people are like, “I can’t do that,” I’m like, “We don’t use the word can’t in my world, but you could choose not to after we try this. You could say I can’t. It’s not for me. I don’t ever want to do that again. I’m cool with that. You tried it. It didn’t work.” We don’t like everything that works for me or for you. That’s why there’s no cookie cutters, either.
I customize everything. You do, too, for that reason. No two people are the same. When we get out there, we want to amplify and help support. If you start saying, “I can’t do that,” you’re right. You can’t. I don’t even allow people to use that word. You could choose not to after you try it. Humor me and try it. If you really hate it, we’ll come up with another strategy. It all starts with mindset.
Kristin, I’m so glad that you’re in my world. She’s in my All-Star Community and we’re publishing a book together with fifteen other authors. I’m so excited because your weirdness complements my weirdness. I love it because we have fun. We get the job done and we do it with our zone of genius. We bring it to the table and then help everybody shine. The tide rises, the ships rise together. If you are interested in more, please, I hope you are, go to Kristin’s website.
If you go to, you can connect with me there. I would love to talk to you about your business storytelling needs.
Email is If you have a quick question, please email her. You have a complimentary 30-minute masterclass and you even have plug and play PDF with that.
It’s at In 30 minutes, I teach you how to write your one big sentence that you can use to show up with confidence anytime someone asks you the question, “What do you do?”
I love it, value statement. There’s so much overlap in everything we do, like the financial person I talked to. There’s so much overlap because we’re all human and we all need the same thing. We come from different directions, but at the core, we’re all human, after all. That’s where I play. I deal with humans. I don’t deal with aliens personally. I haven’t ET yet. That would be cool.
Anyway, on that silly note, we’re going to end the show. Please reach out to Kristin for help. She’s amazing, and it was a pleasure working with her. That’s my own personal recommendation there, for what it’s worth. Kristin, thank you again for being on and for making my world better and the people in my community. I know you’re helping them and it’s so appreciated that you extend yourself so much to people in our orbit. Thank you for that.
Thank you for having me on, Connie. It was a blast.
It’s always fun hanging out with you. I hope you’ll join me in every episode as we question, build, and discover together. Always come from a heart-centered place. For me, it’s sales, for Kristin, it’s writing and telling stories. In all of those things, you have to come from a heart-centered place. People see through the phoniness and through the crap. Don’t be one of those guys. Be cool. Show up. Be your weird, beautiful self, as Kristin said.
Please take some of the information. Check out the resources that Kristin is offering for my readers. Let’s see where it goes and if Kristin or her information can help you move the needle. Information is beautiful. Action is better. Action is where we create the magic. Please make some magic in your life. Everyone, please have an inspired week. Do something differently. Try something differently. Challenge yourself. Show up. Make it good, make it happy, and be your great self. I love you all and I’ll see you in the next episode. Have a great one.
Important Links
- Communication Style Assessment
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