Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.Pablo Picasso


Check Out These Highlights:

Like me, I have a feeling that many of you are aware of inflation, taxes, the Wall Street casino, unexpected illness, and possibly have fears about retirement planning. These are just a few of the “emergencies” everyone faces. Right? 

Even if you’re financially successful, like many CEOs and entrepreneurs, our lives can change in an instant. But when life changes it doesn’t have to be catastrophic.


Create Income You Will Never Outlive With Kris Miller (EP. 112)

I’m so happy that you’re joining us in this episode. As you read the show, I hope you feel my passion for this journey of sales. Everybody hates sales and we get that knot in our stomach. I don’t want to be pushy and all of those things. That is the furthest thing from where I come. Anyone that’s been reading, following me or knows me, I’m all about sales from love, care, and respect.

To help you on that journey or mindset shift, I have a free Communication Style Assessment. You’ll get two reports. One will spotlight your natural communication superpowers, which makes any conversation, sales, or otherwise a lot smoother when you understand what strengths you bring to the table and, more importantly, how you’re being perceived.

On the flip side, you’ll get a report showing your lowest score, which is usually a blind spot. That probably is even more impactful to every communication you have with other humans because that’s whom we communicate with. Make it a little bit easier for you. I truly hope that you take advantage of that and use it.

My motivational quote to set the stage for the conversation with my guest is by Pablo Picasso. Picasso says, “Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan in which we must fervently believe and upon which you must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.” Like me, I have a feeling that many of you are aware of inflation and the tax when the tax man comes knocking. Also, Wall Street casino, unexpected illnesses, and possibly fears about retirement planning.

These are just a few of the emergencies that we face every day. Even if you’re financially successful like a CEO, an entrepreneur or an executive in an organization, our lives can change in an instant. Need I say COVID, but when life changes, it doesn’t have to be catastrophic. My amazing guest is Kris Miller. Kris is known as the Money Maestro and is a Legacy Wealth Strategist. Her clients learn to create incomes they will never outlive and how to change their family’s financial realities.


About Kris Miller:

CSG 112 | Investible Living TrustKris is known as the Money Maestro and is a Legacy Wealth Strategist. Her clients learn to create incomes they will never outlive and how to change their families’ financial realities. Not one person has lost a single dime on her watch. She’s a recognized expert on living trusts and estate planning and a highly sought-after speaker & trainer for organizations and businesses, including Citibank and the US Government Financial Officers Association.


How to Get in Touch With Kris Miller: 


Not one person has lost a single dime on her watch. She’s a recognized expert on living trust and estate planning and a highly sought-after speaker and trainer for organizations and businesses, including companies like Citibank and the US Government Financial Officers Association. Kris is the author of a number one bestselling book called Ready for Pretirement: 3 Secrets for Safe Money and a Fabulous Future. Please help me welcome my amazing guest, Kris, to the show. Kris, thanks for being on and taking the time to chat and share info with my peeps.

Thank you, Connie. I’m honored to be here and share all these goodies with you for sure.


Importance Of Having A Plan To Protect Your Money And Growth Wealth

Kris, this is an important topic. Through the years, I’ve said to my husband, “We’re ahead of the game. We got extra money in the checking account,” and then the car would break down. All that money would be gone and then some. We all face this. No one is immune. Money is money. We all have situations arrive. Let’s talk first. How can we protect the principle of our investments and still grow money?

Your quote was perfect for this whole conversation because if you want to get somewhere, you got to have a map and plan. There are some amazing things that I’ve found in many years of my practice that I do, and I own what I sell. That’s it. I can’t look at you and say, “You got to buy this stock, but I don’t want it.” This is what I own. It’s worked great. I’ve done well with it.

Whatever day this is, turn on the news. People are crying. They’ve lost a lot of money and the market drops 700 points. They’re like tremors for people to be aware of. How do you create money that you’ll never outlive that’s safe? These are secrets to the 1%. I hate that in a sense because it’s not a secret. It’s just not talked about. That’s why I broadcast. There are several, depending on your age.

CSG 112 | Investible Living Trust
Investible Living Trust: How do you create money that you’ll never outlive and that’s safe? These are the secrets of the 1%.


My favorite one is what’s called investible life insurance, the IUL. What it does is it accelerates the death benefit so you can use that while you are alive and the money will come out tax-free. Inside this thing, it’s incredible. I got to tell you that I was 58 when I found out about it. I was so mad like, “Why didn’t anybody tell me?” I’m honest as I can be. I’ve got one at 64 because I’m in, thank God, fabulous health.

It’s based on your health. There is underwriting with it. I have other programs that aren’t underwritten if you have medical challenges, but the thing about this is that the money comes out tax-free and it grows cash. A lot of people use these things like they can borrow cash at 4%, do real estate transactions, and pay it back. You could set this up to pay tax-free income for life.

Check this out. It’s also got catastrophic illness protection, which is humongous. We went through the pandemic. This has long-term care so it lets you take 2% of the death benefit so that you can stay in your home. That’s what I teach my clients to be able to be empowered and stay in their homes. It’s a fabulous way to go. In the last years, they’ve averaged 5% to 9%, sometimes 10% with no market loss. It’s a floor. You catch the upside.

It’s a safe vehicle for us to put money into. It’s funny that you found this out when you were 58. I’m laughing because of the technology, it’s easy to monitor and manage the back end of these accounts so they could become a little bit more creative to allow the protection of the principle. It’s in life insurance, but also when you pull it out, you have that tax-free income.

CSG 112 | Investible Living Trust

I wanted to comment. For the younger folks reading, this is an important concept. I tell my kids, “You get the life insurance now.” Usually, you’re insurable, God willing, that you’re healthy. You wish health upon everybody, but you’re healthy and young. The cost is so low. What will happen over your lifetime is you’ll have that for the death benefit, spousal survivor benefits, or whatever to help with the income loss if something happens to you prematurely.

You have that. That’s life insurance, but additionally, you have this growth of your money in there that at some point, you can stop paying it. As you get older, it gets more costly. It’s harder to reach those breakpoints. When you’re young, anybody reading, please get life insurance. Even if you go, “I have no assets. I’m not married. I don’t have kids,” it doesn’t matter.

At some point, you will have a house or assets that you should have that life insurance in place. That’s true. You’re saying, “I did it when I was 64,” because you were still insurable, thank God, but that’s not always the case. If we have diabetes and other things, the price becomes cost-prohibitive. I wanted to add that because I have young people that read, Kris. These are lessons that you and I, as older women, have learned but you want these kids to understand the benefits of these different vehicles that are out there. I’m glad you shared that. That’s so important.

Check this out. There’s a kid, someone at 38. This is just an illustration for him. They can make money even if they don’t have a lot of money. He put $500 in a month. They have to be set up. It’s not all life insurance that does this the way they designed the policy. This kid put in $500 a month and he was set to get $80,000 to $100,000 tax-free for life when he retired. At 38, you just put $500 in a month. With $100,000 without tax, if you’re in the 40% tax bracket and you multiply that, that’s humongous. Even these kids that don’t have a lot of money can create cash. It’s a fabulous way.

The other way when you don’t have health, if you want me to go into that, was the equity-indexed annuities. There are a lot of them out there. Those have been keeping up with inflation. They were 5% to 9% when they raise the interest rate. Now, they’re something like 10% to 14% tax-deferred. It’s got a floor on it so you catch the upsides. The market goes up too and you make two. If the market goes down too, nothing happens. The money is still there.

There’s no health for that. That just rolls the money over. No sales charge. I’m not a fee base. You don’t pay me a fee or anybody that does what I do. I am unique because I have a proprietary, the way they set the policies up. It’s very cool. I’m not selling products. It’s a whole plan. What you already have worked together with everything else because when you’re 40, it’s hard to imagine what it’s going to be like when you’re 60. When you’re 60, what do you need to know about 80? We’re living to 100. Plan for it. Plan to live for 100. You probably take care of yourself better health-wise too.

When you're 40, it's hard to imagine what it's going to be like when you're 60. When you're 60, what do you need to know about 80? We're living to 100. Plan for it. Share on X


The Concept Of Compound Interest

It’s important because you’re talking about compound interest. Compound interest works in our favor. The first 20 to 30 years of your working life let’s say to keep it easy is the most important time to put that money away and make sure you do the 401(k), the matches, and all those things. Put a little extra money as you get raises. Maybe take that amount of the raise and put it in a little account so that it’s cash, but let it grow or put it into the life insurance that you’ve described.

What happens is you have compound interest in your favor. The flip side, and you and I know this, is the credit card. Compound interest can work against you or it can end up burying you. The compound interest isn’t always nice depending on what vehicle you’re capitalizing on that growth over time. How do you help people?

Here’s the other thing too that you said that is important. There are pieces of the puzzle. Here’s an example. My niece and her fiancé came over and were talking about their life insurance. I said, “Buy the whole life now because it’s inexpensive. You’re young and healthy. When you have a house and a $400,000 mortgage or something, then you could buy term on top of it or the kid’s education.”

I don’t know, but everybody can afford a $1 million whole life policy. Sometimes we need $1 million of life insurance so we can stack it. That’s the life insurance piece. How do you help people pay for those unexpected catastrophic illnesses, accidents, tragic events that a kid gets hurt in a sporting event or something like that? In part of your plan, what are some of those recommendations look like? Did that make sense?

That’s why I’m a big fan. Whole life was the beginning of what I’m talking about, but the hybrid is the IUL. Why? It’s because the IUL has catastrophic illness protection inside of it. If something happens, you can access the death benefit for catastrophic illness. You can take qualified money and pay the taxes. It’s called the IRA Reboot. Say you have a 401(k) that’s dying in the stock market and you’re losing your principal. You want to get it safe. You can roll it over and pay the taxes from the death benefit.

Say if you have $20,000 and you’re putting it in there and you have all that tax to pay, you pay it with a death benefit. You don’t have to write. The check comes out of the policy and then the full $20,000 or whatever amount it is, is in there, instead of you having to pay the taxes from that money. It’s a way. It will lower 1/3 of your taxes from the rollover using the IUL. There are a lot of goodies inside of that that can help. That’s my best way.

Life insurance does have catastrophic illness protection inside of it and can create cash. It’s designed on your age, health, and wealth and how this policy is set up. Inside of that, it can cover all those other things that you were talking about like the term and this and that. You can have one good policy that has long-term care in it. Maybe you already have something and you don’t need that. You then can get a life insurance policy that creates cash and catastrophic illness protection.

CSG 112 | Investible Living Trust
Investible Living Trust: Life insurance has catastrophic illness protection inside it and can generate cash. It’s designed based on your age, health, and wealth, and how this policy is set up.


I don’t like standalone. It’s like car insurance where you’re paying a premium that you’re never going to use. I like the one where all your cash is still in your estate. The stats before the pandemic were 7 out of 10 of us use a nursing home after 65. That’s huge. I’ve done this for decades so I saw the period where people end up losing their money at the end of their life. This is the majority I got to write another book about. It’s either in a nursing home, probate, or the Great Recession.

It’s sad because, in 2008, people were coming in and lost 40% to 60%. They’re in their 70s and 80s and can’t go hustle it all back again. It’s going to be hard in the next years that everything is resetting fast. My podcast is MONEY 911. I feel like I’m yelling because I say it honestly. Connie, you’ll know what I mean. A lot of little sheepies are going to go off a cliff and nobody’s telling them. It makes me sad because you can only do so much. That’s why I share a lot of this information. It’s not stockpiled normally. It’s unique in that sense on the safe side of looking at everything.

Here’s the thing, Kris. People are reading this show and they’re having this idea. Go back and explore. Is this a good thing for you to include in your financial plan? Everything isn’t for everybody either. However, if we ask the questions, there might be something that’s even better suited for whatever your particular age, situation, and what you can afford to pay every month, but you have to know what questions to ask.

These are important questions that we’re having because it shines a light on things that people maybe never heard of or they’ve heard of it but are like, “I don’t understand that. I don’t want to sound stupid.” You have to ask questions. Here’s the thing. Tomorrow’s coming and you’re going to be 60, 70, 80, or 90 before you know it. What do we want to leave? If you say, “I don’t want to leave money to my kids,” then whatever. You can say, “If I run out of money, I run out of money.” You have to think about your end of life also. I know that sounds so morbid, but what is the expectation at the end of your life? Do you want to leave a legacy for your kids?

That’s the plan that you started the show with. If you have the plan, then you are living your legacy and you’ll find a lot of people halfway through their life and they turn their whole business into a gift-back mode. You live your legacy so you can give back your blessings to everyone around you. You have a plan so you’re not a burden on your family if something happens.

If you want to leave something, have something for each age because you’ll find each age has an issue. People are trying to survive the day-to-day thing. They don’t take the time. There’s no judgment. You go to school and learn how to make money. You get out of school, what do you do? Go make money and give it to somebody else to gamble.

That’s what it is. It’s a roulette wheel. Will it be up or down when you retire? That’s the thing that people don’t see because they don’t have that longevity. It’s not that I’m so smart. I’ve done this for many years and I saw over 6,000 people and patterns like, “Everybody’s losing their money at the end or before they die.” It’s crazy.


A Living Trust And Its Benefits

It’s tragic. You know it’s true. Come on, Kris. When we were 20 and 30, I knew it all. In my 60s, I’m like, “I don’t know anything.” We get humbled as we age because we realize that there’s so much information, especially when it comes to money. As the technology changes, things change. I’m sure you recommend this, but why is it advisable to create a living trust?

The living trust has a legal document that’s created to own and manage your estate. This isn’t just the end of the life document, which people think. Most people don’t even know what a living trust is, but what it does is it protects you when you pass away from going to probate. What’s probate? Courts. What do courts take? Attorneys. What do attorneys take? Money. A living trust protects your estate and lets you leave your estate directly from yourself to your family with no middlemen. You don’t need me, attorneys, or courts.

Inside of a good revocable living trust package, you should have a power of attorney for finances. That’s something we need. If you go skiing and you break your leg, who’s going to take care of the bills? Power of attorney for healthcare. “I want someone in my family to make my medical decisions and not some doctor that looks at my insurance policy.” Being early is important.

I’m strict with my health so there are certain things I want and certain things I don’t want. I don’t want to compromise that so that healthcare is done ahead of time. It’s off my mind. I don’t have to think about it. All my assets are put in the name of the trust so I’m protected. Here’s one for you. Minor children. Mom and dad go out to dinner and don’t come back. Who’s going to take care of the kids? When we’re 20 and 30, we don’t think about those things. We’re just going to live forever.

It has guardianship provisions and a good trust has guardianships for minor children and conservatorship for older people. If you become incapacitated, who’s going to help you? It’s full-blown. A good revocable living trust has all of those documents included for your whole life and everybody needs a living trust. That’s for sure.

CSG 112 | Investible Living Trust
Investible Living Trust: If you become incapacitated, who’s going to help you? A good revocable living trust has all of those documents included for your whole life. Everybody needs a living trust.


It’s funny because my husband and I when the kids were little, an attorney happened to be a friend we were both working in. I was in the trust department of a bank so I’m dealing with all of these things that we’re talking about. I asked him, “Can you draw up the documents for us?” He knew me well. I’m going to make you laugh with this one.

We had our life insurance and we put the beneficiary within the insurance trust. I always tease and say, “That trust I hope never gets funded because I’d have to die and the money goes directly into the trust.” Here’s the cool thing that you’re talking about having these legal documents in place. Especially with my kids, they were little when we created this, but I thought, “What if they’re 22 years old and 25 years old and something happens to my husband and me?”

We each had $1.5 million of insurance at that time because we had a mortgage. I wanted to pay for their education. All of that is paid for, but at the time, it wasn’t. Do you want a 22 and a 25-year-old to get $1.5 million each to go out and buy the Corvette? The attorney knew me. This is the funny part of the story. I’m like, “Can I control how that money is delivered to them?” He’s like, “Sure, you can. You could put breakpoints.”

When they hit the age to go to college, as much money as they wanted would have gone to college, graduation, and PhD. I would love for them to have had the money to be able to do education without taking on debt, but I said to him, “However, that doesn’t mean when they graduate, they get all the rest of that money.” You’re not going to spend that much money on education. We have a breakpoint.

The trust is there and I still have insurance, but they don’t get the last bit of that last percentage that’s in there until they’re 45. Anybody reading that knows me, I’m a control freak, but my feeling was, and this is the importance of a trust, is that it’s your voice from beyond when you don’t have the capacity to talk or navigate.

Even if my kids mess up financially when they’re 45, whatever little amount of money is left in that trust will then go to them and hopefully be able to get them out of debt, pay for their kids’ education or whatever it is. That’s the control that you have with these legal documents. I’m sure you have stories that are similar. You have to have these documents in place.

It brought to mind Bill Cosby. Bill Cosby had a trust. You think you’re a control freak. He set his trust up. He had a lot of money. They had to be 65 before they got anything and they had to do something good for society. Also, write a book. I like that part. It makes them charitable. That’s one of those stories just like you. You can design that. Some people have kids that are on alcohol or drugs. You could set it up like you have to have three years of rehab and gainful employment. You get so much and control it from the grave as they say or from heaven, wherever you go.

These are important documents. The other thing I want to comment on was the power of attorneys. This is one that we don’t think about. I forget her name. Do you remember she was incapacitated? She was in a coma. They didn’t have a living trust or anything. He did not have a power of attorney for her or the advocate if something happened to her.

Remember, the parents came in and would not pull the plug. They went to court. I want to say it was a good five years before he won through this court decision. In the meantime, she was on life support. He went bankrupt. He had met another person with whom he had fallen in love. His life was stalled and was destroyed financially because he didn’t have that one little piece of paper to protect him and in this case, his wife by pulling the plug. I hope this conversation raises your awareness. Here’s the other thing. Do you work with business owners?

Yes, small business owners, Keyman insurance, and estate planning inside of that. That’s for sure.

This is why I was excited about our conversation. Think of wealth management. You have to have a gazillion dollars. That’s not the case because sometimes when we die, the life insurance creates wealth right after the fact. These legal documents matter. Here’s the other thing. Kris, I’m sure you work with attorneys that you trust. They’re not that expensive to create.

I make trust all over the country. I charge $1,200 for my trust. That’s nothing. It’s got a power of attorney, financial healthcare and a living will. You don’t want to be on any artificial life support. Also, a deed. All your assets go in the name of the trust. A lot of people get trust made. They think they’re like a will where you sign them and then they don’t put their assets in them.

That’s the one thing. You got to review and make sure that everything you have is in the name of the trust. With your power of attorney, you want to make sure that the bank has it ahead of time. Otherwise, they give you a big old hassle. You have to have the signature card signed ahead of time. There are little nuances there that you want to make sure. If you have a trust, make sure that it’s updated and that everything is in the name of it.


Estate Planning For Business Owners

The business too, the Keyman insurance. If your right-hand person who runs the operations ends of things dies or becomes incapacitated, you still have to run the business. Here’s the deal everyone reading, whether you’re a business owner, you’re young or older and you’re thinking, “It’s too much information,” have a conversation with Kris or whoever your advisor is.

You have questions that you can ask. Here’s the last story. You used Bill Cosby. Prince, the musician, his estate was ginormous and he didn’t do any estate planning. He had passed away. It was maybe three years and the estate still hadn’t been issued. I’m not saying anything bad about attorneys, but the attorneys were getting paid to try to navigate this mess because he had no will and trust.

With the heirs and beneficiaries, the assets were being dwindled and his family never saw anything. Now, we have a patent attorney. It doesn’t matter how much money or how smart you think someone is. Sometimes we have these blind spots because we don’t know what’s out there and what we should ask. Trust, wills, the life insurance you talked about, and all of these things are pieces of your financial puzzle to help you navigate but also not to have leaks in your boat so to speak.

If your estate ends up going into the court system, you lose 5% to 25%. Three years is not very long. As far as I knew a few years ago, John Wayne’s estate was still in probate. He had royalties coming in. Michael Jackson had a trust, but it wasn’t completed so he ended up in probate. Marilyn Monroe had $1.8 million when she passed, but she had a will. By the time they were done, it took them eighteen years to go through probate and she had about $100,000 left over.

Isn’t that a tragic commentary?

It’s ridiculous. The neat thing about the trust is it gives you power. It’s in your control and it goes from you to your family. Here’s another little thing. If you don’t have sibling problems and you have antiques or things, go around the house and take a video. Say, “Grandma gave us this chest.” Tell the story and then this is for whomever. It’s clear and then you pass a legacy. It’s not stuff. It’s the story of our legacy and life and the blessings that you can pass on to your family. Live your legacy. Meaning, do the steps now so you don’t have to worry about all those things.

The neat thing about the living trust is that it gives you power. It's in your control, and it goes from you to your family. Share on X

Here’s the other thing too, everybody reading. Our capacity for complex financial things gets hard to discern. Seventy seems to be the magic number where complicated financial matters are hard to sift through and figure out. If you can, you truly want to do this while you’re younger. We’re out of time, but I wanted to share one cute little story.

When I worked in the trust department many years ago, I was dealing with families. Kris, I bet you deal with this all the time. I was seeing them fight over the money in the estate. I remember coming home and having a conversation with my mom and dad. I said, “We need to have a family meeting because I don’t want us to have to fight if something, God forbid, happens to you guys.” We sat down and my dad pulled out a little black book. He said, “This will be with our will, but what do you guys want?”

We giggled. We were like, “We don’t want anything. We want you to be alive.” He’s like, “Let’s make believe that we die. What do you want?” It was funny because my younger sister is a good cook. She said, “I want mom’s pots and pans because they’re seasoned.” I don’t cook so I’m like, “You’re going to have the pots and pans because I don’t want them.”

There was a Christmas decoration. It was old and worn out. I was like, “I want the decoration.” They all looked at me like, “What drugs do you want?” I go, “For me, it signifies Christmas. I know it’s dilapidated, but it brings me such joy when I look at this stupid little thing.” They were like, “You can have the decoration.” My dad had a lot of tools. He said, “What should we do with that?”

We had a calm, rational, and respectful conversation. My mom and dad took notes. We didn’t have the video as you said. Now, we have it on an iPhone, but what a beautiful idea to take it from grandma and say, “Connie wanted this. Let me tell you. Grandma and Grandpa got this and they bought it.” That history is China is worth more than China. It’s the story that goes with it. I love that idea, Kris. That was beautiful.

Thank you.

Any last little tips before we sign out? I’m going to give your how to reach you and all of that. Any little tips that you want to give?

Take time out of your life, even if it’s just an hour on Sunday or something to learn about what we’re talking about. You can read my book or go anywhere. Start to learn about this, but they’re changing the money system on us. They already have a digital coin and they want a one-world currency. That’s where it’s trying to head. We are in those times. That’s why I’m in the MONEY 911. You want to be prepared. Make sure you have rainy day money.

You want to be prepared. Make sure you have rainy-day money. Share on X

We learn about the lockdown. I used to say 6 to 8 months, but now, I say 8 months to 2 years. Have rainy day money, seriously. Do discretionary and non-discretionary. Keep your receipts for a month and then divide discretionary and non-discretionary. You will find the money. I’m serious. You don’t need another pair of shoes. How many subscriptions do you have? You don’t need those. Take that money and put it in your DNT account, Do Not Touch. Create rain day money. Use that so that you will be ready to rock and roll.

Life happens, peeps.

It happens fast.

Here’s the deal. You need more Kris clearly in your life. The podcast is MONEY 911. That should be a must-listen to. You cover so many strategies, ideas, tips, and things that are happening in the marketplace. Subscribe to MONEY 911 and go listen to Kris there. The website is HealthyMoneyHappyLife.com, which I love. If you have a question that you think, “I need to talk to Kris,” go to Kris@HealthyMoneyHappyLife.com. You do have a gift. Tell us about that, Kris, please.

It’s a next-chapter checklist so it tells you things that you should be thinking about. It gives you a little outline. You can hop on at Your Legacy Shift. You download the things that you want to learn, think and know about. If we’re not connected, at least it will give you a little map for a plan. Plan retirement early, pretirement. That’s what it’s about for sure.

I could tell you I loved the title of the book too. I giggled because I’m later in life. I have a finance background and all of those things. I was like, “I love the title.” It’s another valuable resource. Kris, I love that last piece. Take an hour on a Sunday first thing in the morning with your coffee and read for an hour. Start to create a priority. Make a list of the things that you don’t have that maybe you do need. You could reorg and prioritize them later on or meet with Kris or someone like Kris that you might be using already.

That is a great strategy so I love that. Take one hour. We’re not saying to sit down for twenty hours a week. Just one hour with a cup of coffee or tea and try to work through it. Kris, thank you so much. I love talking about money. More importantly, I love talking about protecting people’s assets so we can leave a legacy for our kids.

We work hard for our money. I don’t want the money to go to a nursing home or the government. Not that you don’t want to pay your fair share. We do. We have to be part of the community, but I do want to leave something to my kids, grandkids, or great-grandkids, whatever it might be. Planning is where that kind of legacy is born.

CSG 112 | Investible Living Trust
Investible Living Trust: We work hard for our money. We don’t want our money to go to a nursing home or the government. We have to be part of the community, but we want to leave something for our kids, grandkids, or great-grandkids, whatever it might be. Planning is where that kind of legacy is born.


Use Kris’s gift to help you begin to formulate what those steps or plan looks like for you. Everybody has a different agenda or expectation so your plan might be a little bit different than your neighbor’s. Use it as a tool. Kris, thank you so much for sharing your zone of genius. It’s wonderful. You’re fun to hang out with. I like that we could be goofy, but talk about a very serious topic so thank you for that as well.

Thank you. It’s been a pure joy to be with you.

Me too. Back at you. I hope you will join me every episode as we question, build and discover together. No matter where you are on this trajectory of change in business or life, I hope between my guests and I that we help support you and certainly share ideas and strategies that you can implement now. Download the book and put it into action. Information is beautiful. If we do nothing with it, it’s information. Putting information into action, that’s where we have magic and leave legacies. That’s my wish for all of you that read the show.

Thank you for reading. I wish you an inspired time filled with magic, but you have to create some action to get to that magic. Download the book and the information from the website. Do something different and see how your life changes. It’s miraculous. I love you all. Kris, thank you so much. I’ll see you all next time. Have a good one, everyone.


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