How Business Failures Are Stepping Stones To Success With Amanda Bedell
Success demands we defy our imaginary boundaries.Yohance Salimu Check Out These Highlights: Owning and running a business is not for the faint of heart. I know through the past 20 years, there have been some lean months and others where I felt like the Midas woman and everything I touched […]
Press Kits And PR That Generate New Business With Shannon Procise
If you don’t tell your story, someone else will.unknown Check Out These Highlights: For me, marketing and public relations are a necessary part of the business. My zone of genius is sales, so when it comes to marketing, PR, and other types of promotions, I am vulnerable and have […]
The Competitive Advantage Of Being A Published Author With Barry H. Cohen
Why fit in when you were born to stand out.Dr. Seuss Check Out These Highlights: It’s so true. We were all born to stand out and share our gifts with the world. Yet, I know I have played safe and small over the years as I grew […]
Why Stories Matter With Paul Furiga
Whatever you do and whatever story you’re writing, make it human – make sure the human element is at the center of it and shapes it.Jacob Moss Check Out These Highlights: I believe we all love a good story. In fact, we watch movies and TV shows because we […]
Achieving Goals Quickly Using Solutions That Stick With Amanda HarNess
If you don’t know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else.Lawrence J. Peter Check Out These Highlights: Today’s quote actually made me pause and reflect on my own business journey over the past 21 years and knowing where I was going was not always clear […]