How Business Failures Are Stepping Stones To Success With Amanda Bedell

CSG 113 | Business Failures

Success demands we defy our imaginary boundaries.Yohance Salimu Check Out These Highlights: Owning and running a business is not for the faint of heart. I know through the past 20 years, there have been some lean months and others where I felt like the Midas woman and everything I touched […]

Press Kits And PR That Generate New Business With Shannon Procise

CSG 114 | Marketing And PR

If you don’t tell your story, someone else will.unknown   Check Out These Highlights: For me, marketing and public relations are a necessary part of the business. My zone of genius is sales, so when it comes to marketing, PR, and other types of promotions, I am vulnerable and have […]

Why Stories Matter With Paul Furiga

CSG 89 | Why Stories Matter

  Whatever you do and whatever story you’re writing, make it human – make sure the human element is at the center of it and shapes it.Jacob Moss Check Out These Highlights:  I believe we all love a good story. In fact, we watch movies and TV shows because we […]

Achieving Goals Quickly Using Solutions That Stick With Amanda HarNess

CSG 115 | Achieving Goals

 If you don’t know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else.Lawrence J. Peter Check Out These Highlights: Today’s quote actually made me pause and reflect on my own business journey over the past 21 years and knowing where I was going was not always clear […]