Good marketers see consumers as complete human beings with all the dimensions real people have.Jonah Sachs
Check Out These Highlights:
Being in business for 21 years, it has become evident to me that business growth comes from building quality and long-term profitable relationships.
For me, a profitable relationship means everyone in the relationship wins in some way.
I call it a win/win formula! This win/win formula allows you to generate consistent, quality referrals from the deep connections you have with the people in your network.
Jennifer Tamborski – Marketing Is Like The Dating Game (EP. 84)
As always, I appreciate that you’re joining us. Every episode, as my guests and I share ideas and strategies, I hope you feel that I am on a mission to change that word sales to something that’s icky, sleazy, and all about manipulation too. We should be coming from this place of love, care, and respect to help you hopefully shift that mindset a little bit.
I have a free gift for you. If you go to my website, take my free communication style assessment, it’s cool. It gives you a high score. You’ll get a report and it’ll show your natural superpowers, how you show up, and how you’re perceived. It’s important. On the flip side, with your lowest score, you’ll also get a report which spotlights some of your blind spots. It’s important to know what our blind spots are so that we can hire people to minimize those blind spots. Being aware of your blind spots becomes a critical piece of our mindset and how we shift it. Go to and that is my gift to you.
I want to start with my motivational quote, which is by Jonah Sachs. Jonah says, “Good marketers see consumers as complete human beings with all the dimensions of real-life people.” Being in business for many years, it’s become evident to me that business growth, down and dirty, come from profitable relationships.
For me, what a profitable relationship means is everybody in the relationship wins. I call it the win-win formula. I win, the client wins so that we can all rise together. This win-win formula allows you to generate consistent quality referrals from doing those deep connections, gathering, or creating those deep connections with people in your network. You got to live off the referrals. That’s how we build our influence and how we build or change results, whether in an organization career or in your business.
My guest is Jennifer Tamborski. Jen and I are going to discuss how client relationships and getting clients are similar to the real-life dating game, where you learn how to identify your ideal client, how to attract them, approach them, spot deal breakers and nurture the relationship. Jen is a Digital Marketing Strategist and CEO for Digital Marketing Experts.
About Jennifer Tamborski:
Jennifer and I are going to discuss how client relationships and getting clients are similar to the real-life dating game. Where you learn how to identify your ideal client, attract them, approach them, spot deal-breakers, and nurture the relationship. Jennifer is a Digital Marketing Strategist and CEO for Virtual Marketing Experts. Jennifer delivers high-energy keynote presentations that break down marketing into an understandable process designed to help the audience remove marketing overwhelm and grow their business.
Jennifer has created a team of experts that work with 6- and 7-figure coaches, consultants, and online course creators. She and her team are passionate about helping their clients grow their businesses, increase their revenue, and scale their impact.
How to Get in Touch with Jennifer Tamborski:
Jen delivers high-energy keynote presentations that break down marketing into an understandable process designed to help the audience remove marketing overwhelm and grow their business. Jen has created a team of experts that work with 6 and 7-figure coaches, consultants, and online course creators. She and her team are passionate about helping their clients grow their businesses, increase their revenue, and scale their impact. Jen, welcome to the show. Thanks for being on.
Thanks so much for having me. This is going to be so much fun.
I talk about my kids and hockey. Changing the sales game and I use a lot of hockey references because people understand sports. Everybody understands the dating game, even if you’ve been married like me for many years. I reflect back and I remember what it was like. You don’t go on the first date, have a drink and say, “Will you marry me?”
If you do, people find that creepy.
I’ll make you laugh. I did tell my husband on our second date he should marry me, but that’s another story for another day.
Here’s the reality. Whether that’s in real life or in marketing, it does happen. You come across that person that you connect with and you’re like, “I’m ready to buy.”
Building A Marketing Strategy That Converts
We’ve been married for many years, so he knew I was right years ago. He knows I’m still right. It’s a beautiful thing. My first question, Jen, is how do I build a marketing strategy that converts? Everybody helps you convert and they all have the secret sauce. What’s your take on it, building on the relationship?
It’s very similar to what you said at the beginning of the show. It’s all about the relationship. It’s all about delivering and developing a relationship with your audience. Focusing on the primary thing, if you take nothing else away from anything I say, you have to know who your ideal client is. You have to know everything about them. A lot of people say, “I work with women. I work with men. I work with entrepreneurs.”
Know who your ideal client is. You have to get granular down to the little bitty pieces of what they're really struggling with so that you can craft messaging that they can hear. Share on XYou have to get granular down to the little bitty pieces of what they’re struggling with so that you can craft messaging that they can hear. Even to the point of knowing how they process information. Are they audio? Do they listen to podcasts? If they listen to podcasts, beyond podcasts. Are they video? If they’re video followers, head to YouTube. Do they read or write? If you’re good, do all of them so you can track everybody’s processing style.
Everybody is different. I know myself. I like to hear something, but I like to look at something tangible. I like to listen and then take notes. I’m killing trees, I know. In all of my programs, I have fillable documents. Some of my people love that. Some of the people print it and they’re like, “Can I print it?” I’m like, “If you want to print, you’re like me. I have to physically take notes with my hands, then yes, print it out.” However, there are a lot of my younger people who come through my programs. They like filling in the documents. They don’t even own printers. Here’s the thing. It’s not right or wrong, good or bad.
It’s how everybody relates and processes. I’m similar to those in that my printer’s been out of ink because I don’t print anything. I do everything online. I even have those rocket books where you can take notes, send them up, and then it’s in the cloud. Everybody has their own way of connecting and being aware of that is step one in a good marketing strategy.
It’s funny and you network, I network. I get into these networking events on Zoom. It’s starting to open up a little bit, but let’s say predominantly on Zoom still. People get on and it makes me crazy because I help people create value statements so that you can let people know super clearly what you do, who you serve, and how you do it. Is this even worth having a fifteen-minute chat? That’s the first piece of the puzzle.
I giggle because we get into these networking events and they all do twenty different things. I sit there because I know sales. I stay in my lane and I’m still learning sales. That’s my world. I listen to these people. I think, “Either they’re smarter than me because I only know sales service and coaching and they do 50 things.” I get off and think, “I’m not going to connect with them because I’m not sure what they do.”
I don’t know that they’d be the right guest for my show. I don’t know that my people would be the right people for them, for me to potentially refer to and use them as a resource. I don’t know what they do. That clarity becomes super important not only to connect with your ideal client and make sales but from a networking standpoint, you’re clear on what you ask for.
It’s very important when it comes to marketing. I have my clients follow The ONE Thing rule. I’m sure you’ve read the book by Keller The ONE Thing, which is about having one funnel that leads to one offer and selling that. When you get to the offer stage, you can customize it, but it still has one thing that you do. Whether that’s marketing, sales, weight loss, or whatever it is that your industry revolves around, that’s the thing you do best.
It doesn’t mean that the package you sell has to be one package. It’s the one thing that you do better than anyone else. That’s what you focus on. That helps people to scale for a lot of reasons. Mainly because if you have one funnel that’s following through to that one thing, you are better able to see where people are dropping off, what is connecting with them, and what is not connecting with them. Knowing that helps you to make a better message.
Focus on the one thing that you do better than anyone else. Share on XAre people coming into your funnel and they get to email three of your funnels and then they stop opening your emails? Email 3 might be a problem or maybe it was email 2, but whatever it is, there was a problem there, you can fix it. I see a lot of business owners and entrepreneurs doing everything. They have six different ways that people connect with them. They try to sell everything under the sun. “I can help you with that, no matter what it is.” The problem with that is you don’t know what’s working or what’s not because you have too many things going. Once you get to that million-dollar mark, feel free, to have fun. Until you get to that million-dollar mark, be incredibly focused.
Lead Magnets
You and I have had this conversation. Marketing and sales are two very different things. I’m still learning. I’m still trying to understand all of the components so that my stuff I’m intelligent about and I could hire the right people and I could work through, like you said, where the glitches are on the email marketing, whatever it might be. Since I shifted from everything live to doing much more digitally, connecting digitally, I have heard that you should have multiple lead magnets. Please comment on that.
It depends on what you’re doing. I do have multiple lead magnets, depending on where I’m at. If I’m networking, I have a lead magnet that I give out for networking. I have a lead magnet that I give out for digital. I do have multiple lead magnets. However, I also know that all of my networking people go through this lead magnet. I can see how that works. Let’s say you’re running Facebook ads. If you’ve got Facebook ads running to six different lead magnets, it’s hard. First of all, you’re spending money like crazy on all of these things and not focusing on what’s working. It’s hard to figure out what’s going to work the best.
That makes sense to me. Usually, when I speak and at the onset of the show, I share my CSA. People love it. It converts well. It creates dialogue. People send me the email after saying, “I’m a heartfelt advocate. You were right.” If I meet them in a networking thing, I’m like, “I figure heartfelt advocate.” It creates a dialogue. It’s comfortable. They understand because I spoke and I shared what each of the styles means. They think they know what they are, then they take it, then there’s this validation, and then it continues the conversation. It’s a good converter for me.
When I say converter, I’m good at building relationships from that. It doesn’t always translate to business, but they could become power partners and referral partners to me. They could maybe be a great guest for my show, where they have such awesome content. It’s not always about making a sale. It’s about developing the relationship. Marketing helps with that.
That’s the whole point of marketing. It’s to develop that relationship. When you get on a sales call, the sales become easy. Marketing informs your sales. It informs your audience of who you are, what you do, who you serve, and why you are better than everyone else. When they get to the sales call, the sales call doesn’t have to be an explanation call. You don’t have to sell them. You’re not selling. You’re having a conversation about finding out what’s best for them and moving them through that.
The Dating Game
If I am a good solution or not or if someone in my network can help them better, it’s all about that level of service. People talk the talk, but they’re not walking the walk. I have been in business for over 21 years. I’ve been in sales for over 40 years. The only reason why I’ve survived is because I walk the walk. I stay in my lane and it’s always about the relationship. I will never harm anyone that comes into my orbit. I’m all about support. It starts with that and the results come. I want to take a little step back. Tell us what you mean when you say you should date your ideal client. I’m loving this because I do. I could see it. I want you to explain it.
I love the concept because people make marketing sound hard and it’s not. It’s about building a relationship. What I call the dating game, we have five steps. Step one is the introduction. This, for us, is more than introducing yourself to someone. In the dating world, you’re going out into a bar. You see some cute guy or gal and you go and introduce yourself.
You see someone you’re attracted to. You head over there and you have a conversation. However, you already know going out who you’re interested in. You have an idea in your head of who you’re attracted to, whether it’s physical, their job, or whatever. When you start that conversation, you know immediately, “This guy’s unemployed. I’m out.”
Those are important things to know. When it comes to marketing, it’s the same way. The introduction phase is more than introducing yourself to your clients. It’s knowing them and who they are really well. If you get on a sales call with them, you’re like, “You’re not a good fit for me,” or maybe your marketing process will weed them out. Either way.
We go from introduction to what I call flirting. This is all about creating content and value driven. It’s like in dating. You spend time texting each other and getting to know each other and who you are. That’s an incredibly important part that people neglect maybe in the real world as well as in marketing. I haven’t dated in quite a while, but yes, that’s a big part of it. They can get to know you. It’s about awareness and giving them the content and getting some interaction with them.
We then move on to dating. For me, this is when they give you their email address. You have that whole email sequence. In the dating world, it’s just that. You guys start going out on dates, having coffee, having dinner, all of that stuff. It’s still a getting-to-know-you phase and it’s a little more commitment centered. Usually, when someone dates, if they get into a relationship with them, they’re hoping that it goes the distance. In marketing, it’s the same way. That dating sequence phase is a purpose.
There’s a purpose at the end, which comes to the commitment phase. In the real world, it’s whatever commitment means to you. In digital marketing, it’s when they buy something, whatever your thing is when they step into that. That’s the four primary phases that people know about and do. Phase five is where a lot of people fall down, which is what I call keeping the romance alive. That’s all about what happens after the sale.
There are a couple of things that can happen. You can provide them with amazing service. They love you and they refer everyone they know to you. You can provide them with so-so service. They like you and they got benefits. You can provide them with sucky service and they don’t go anywhere. That doesn’t form that real relationship. The same thing goes for relationships and marriage, by the way. That’s an important phase of your relationship.
The other part of that, though, that people forget is an ascension ladder. What happens after they buy from you? Let’s say you want to lose weight, but there are things after losing weight that you can help them with. What happens next in that mindset? What is the next thing in your business that your clients need that you can provide? That helps get them from maybe that lower cost offer of maybe $1,000, $2,000 all the way up to those $20,000, $30,000, $40,000 programs.
I want to comment on a couple of things. I was giggling because I remembered I had dated through my twenties, working. I was going for my MBA at night. I worked all the time. Who had time? I would go on these dates and they were epic fails. They’d be like, “I’ll call you.” I’m thinking, “Were you on the same date as me? This did not go well.” You have that introduction. It was funny because I had made the decision of, “I got to forge head solo because this whole dating and men, I don’t have the bandwidth. I don’t have the energy and they’re too much work.” That’s where I was coming from.
I sat down at one point and I wrote a list. I have that intention. I wrote a list of all of my non-negotiables, meaning if they were lazy, they were on drugs, or something like that, they weren’t the person for me. They were non-negotiables. There were the things that I was looking for, a sense of humor, family-oriented values, and all those things. I forgot about it. I met my husband. On the second date, I told him, “You should marry me.” I fast-forward things, but that’s how I roll. Here’s the thing. We’ve been married for many years. After we were married, we were cleaning up and packing to move and I found that sheet.
The Introduction
This is what we talk about when we say that introduction and who your ideal client is. I was crystal clear on what I wanted and what I didn’t want. That’s the same thing we do in marketing. People skip it or people don’t understand. “What does that mean, my ideal client?” I did the pros and cons. In this case, who are the people I want to work with? Who seems to resonate where I serve them? We exponentially get great results on the backend. What do they look like? That’s how we create that non-negotiable list and write that list of, “These are the things I want in my client.”
The other thing I wanted to talk about was keeping the romance alive. It’s funny. Initially, when I started my business years ago, Jen, everything was, was live. I remember I had the signature class that I have digitized now. My signature class was the only thing I offered because I went in and I taught them about my seven steps. We worked on the sub-skills and that was it. What happened is the training was good that people went back to their positions, whatever their role was, and they started getting results.
The executives would come back and say, “That was good. Can you coach our managers now so we could continue to move the needle after the training?” You do that piece. They came to me and said, “We think people are struggling with feeling comfortable with the questions. Can you do a workshop on that? Can you do a workshop on presentation skills?”
I have twenty different programs that are ready to go. If my business owners now, not my corporate clients, because that’s one revenue stream for me, but my business clients, the small business owner, depending on do, they need help with presentations, I already got it created. Now we pull it in and maybe we do a one-on-one session and reference to that. You have to have things developed, but people have to need them before you offer them.
That’s a very good point because I have a client who we’ve taken him to $1 million. He’s at $100,000 a month where we’re closing out. One of the ways we’ve done that is by looking at, “This was your core offer, but your people, once they get through this, need more things. There are other things that they need.” We’ve been developing those other things by talking to his clients and people and asking, “What do you need? I can provide that. I know what to do here.” Those are the things that people often forget. If you talk to your audience and your clients, you can find out what else they need. If you’re capable of providing that, why wouldn’t you?
People often forget that if you talk to your audience or your clients, you can find out what else they need. If you're capable of providing that, why wouldn't you? Share on XThis is so important. I want to share another experience. This whole digital thing is new to me. This marketing thing is very new to me. Everything you’re saying makes so much sense. When I started networking, when COVID hit, small business owners said to me, “Can you help me with my sales? I’m leaving money on the table. I’m not good at presenting or I don’t know if I’m asking the right questions.” It found me. I never thought that I was going to create this whole other revenue stream. That was point number one.
Point number two, as I started working with these business owners, they’d come through my nine-week class digitally. I coach all the way along. In the end, they would say to me, “Can I hire you one-on-one? I want to work on this and this.” “Yes.” We figured out what the pricing would be for that and all that. Here’s the third point I want to make. In the end, I did not say, “This is what you get if you hire me one-on-one.” Whatever they needed, I did. This was the coolest piece of the puzzle. I have been in business for so long, so I got business chops. All I mean by that is I know business. I see revenue. You need to create another lead magnet. Your people are asking for whatever it is, why aren’t you creating that content?
Let’s start testing it and see. I see business. I tease now. When I speak in a network, I say, “You get a 2 for 1. Sales is my world and that’s where I grew up. I can make you make tens, hundreds of thousands more than what you’re doing, not working any harder, working smarter.” That’s one. The second piece of it is I’m a business strategist because I’ve been a business for over twenty years and how many times have I reiterated?
That’s a skill I picked up over the years. If you get me one-on-one or part of my program, it’s part of who I am. You get the 2-for-1. It’s not like I can separate that, Jen. That’s what we’re talking about. What’s the next thing your client needs? Sometimes, at the end of the nine weeks, they’re like, “I got the sales thing. I need to work on it and practice. You’ll help me with that. Can you help me develop the business so that I can grow exponentially to those seven figures?” That found me never realizing that there was a need there. You have to listen to your people as well.
That’s part of relationship development. Keeping the romance alive portion of it is the asking and the listening. Beyond the asking, here’s the thing. Sometimes you ask questions and you do not get answers that you like. That doesn’t mean that the answers are wrong. It means that maybe there is something wrong with your program or there is something that you can tweak and make better. Really listen to what they have to say. We’ve all had those clients that you’re like, “No matter what I give you, you’re still going to complain.” However, those aren’t the majority. The majority of them, if they’re telling you there’s something wrong, it’s because there is something wrong. It’s your job to listen to them and see what you can do to make it better.
I was giggling as you were saying that. Here’s the thing. Humans, our attention span is six seconds. A goldfish is seven seconds. Oftentimes, if we don’t hear what we want or expect, we go, “They’re wrong.” We poo-poo it and throw it out. Meanwhile, that could have been such relevant feedback that tweaking one little piece of the puzzle could make all the difference on the back end. It’s fun, yet be careful what you wish for, because sometimes you think you want something and then you get what you need. We’re not always ready to hear that or see that.
Marketing Is About Reiteration
The other thing you said that is important, too, Jen, is marketing is about reiteration. When you said the email sequence, maybe it’s the third email with no open rates. No clicks. It’s a process. We can clearly dig in and say, “What’s different with three? Why are they falling off?” They’re back on number 4 or I lost them at 3 and that was it. Was I not compelling with the first two emails? There are so many vantage points that we have to look for things.
There’s so much data available when it comes to your marketing that people ignore beyond Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Google Ads, or any of that. That gives you good data. Also, looking at your email sequence, what are the open rates on there? More importantly, especially since iOS 15 update, which is a long story, Apple updated their products, which caused issues with email management and data.
Your open rates may have changed and depending on the platform, they may have gone up, they may have gone down, depending on how they’re tracking them. That may have changed. It’s the clickthrough rates. What are they doing in there? Are they connecting with your call to action? If you have high open rates, but nobody is clicking on anything in your email, there’s a problem with the email because they’re not following that call to action, whatever it is.
Every Friday, I have a meeting with my VA. I call her my partner in crime. We looked at the analytics of my CSA, that email sequence. How is it doing? For me, it’s always, “Are people finding it valuable?” I don’t want it to get stale. I want to continue to add value and grow those relationships, even if they’re digital. The open rate was 48% to 52%. The click rate, when we looked at it, was between 25% and 30% click rate, which is good.
I reached out to a friend and I’m like, “Is this good?” I’m sales. I’m not marketing. That’s what she said, so that made me excited because we have to measure things. It made me excited because people are finding value and they’re using it. It’s a tangible tool. They’re jumping into my community and orbit, following me, and coming to workshops. It’s building this wonderful ecosystem, but it started with that.
We have to look at the numbers. Behaviors drive the numbers, but the numbers are the measurement. I love what you’re saying about looking at that sequencing, seeing where the breakdown is if there is a breakdown so that you could go in, and then tweaking that. It’s like we don’t want to throw the baby out with the bath water. That’s what you’re talking about here.
One of the parts, in our business anyway, with the introduction phase is developing what those metrics should be. Sometimes business owners don’t know. They may never have done marketing before, so they have no idea what they should be hitting. When we do that, we start with industry averages. When I say your clickthrough rate is fantastic, it is. An average clickthrough rate is about 3% to 5%. Above that is fantastic. The average open rate is only about 20%.
With the new iOS update, that open rate is variable, but that’s what it was before that. The average open rate is about 20%. Anything about that, again, you’re doing a fantastic job. Understanding that as part of the introduction phase is determining what our goals are for this campaign and marketing efforts. What numbers do we want to hit so that at the end, we can look back and go, that was successful or that wasn’t successful? That is the whole point of all of this. It’s the same with your sales numbers. You’re talking to 15 people and you get 1 to close. You know what your close rate is, then. It’s the same thing.
What’s Your End Objective?
It’s funny because the coach that I hired during COVID is very big on using analytics. It’s funny because every time I say, “I’m going to do this,” he’ll say, “What’s your objective? Is it play into the rest of your model? Is it what you want to do?” Sometimes it’s like, “Yes. These are good questions,” or, “No, not worth it. You’re right.”
I don’t know that. We all have blind spots, so that’s why I have a coach. That’s why you have a coach. That’s why you coach people because we all have those blind spots. The numbers are important. The other thing I wanted to say about being mindful is that in the first meeting, you said the introduction. When you set that up, you talk about the end result.
In sales, it’s the same thing. For me, anyway. When I meet with a client, you know where you are or your employees are, if it’s a team I’m coaching and working with. You know what your end result is, whether it’s more revenue, whether it’s growing your network, or whatever. You’re here and you want to get there. You want to go from point A to point B. I’m the gap.
I’m the bridge that brings those together. It’s the same thing with marketing. What’s your end objective? Where are you now? What are you doing with your marketing? You are that little bridge to go from point A to point B, but the clarity of the objective is always at the heart of everything you create and everything I create.
That question that your coach asks you applies to the introduction phase, especially your lead magnet. Your lead magnet is the most important thing in your business. Everything else can be built later. Your lead magnet is most important because it’s the first introduction to you. Asking the question of what’s the purpose of this lead magnet? I ask my clients all the time, “What does your ideal client need to see, hear, do, or feel in order to be ready to work for you or with you?” They’re not always ready.
Your lead magnet is the most important thing in your business, beyond anything else. Everything else can be built later. Share on XThat lead magnet needs to either get them ready to work with you or weed them out. Either way is great. It gives you that information. Asking that question upfront is, what’s the purpose of this? What are we trying to accomplish with this lead magnet? What our clients need to be able to accomplish with this lead magnet is incredibly important.
Here’s the thing, Jen. For me, what I’ve learned since COVID hit because again, I did everything live. Now I’m doing this hybrid. I still do my live stuff, but I have this digital platform that I’m functioning through and from as well. I don’t know what I don’t know. Marketing was a foreign language to me. There are a lot of the same skills going back and forth but the marketing objective of the copy and email and certain strategies within the email. What is your subject line? What’s it supposed to do? That is not my zone of genius at all. I need it to be able to have conversations with the client to be able to deliver what they need, but you need that marketing piece.
You have to reach out and ask. Here’s my last piece of advice as it relates to marketing. Jen, I’m going to give her the information. I like her approach and I like how she explains the dating piece because for me, since I’m not an expert in marketing and anybody that hires you is not an expert in marketing, you bring it down into layman’s terms that say, “I get it.” As I said in your introduction, I wrote the list. It wasn’t my ideal client. It would’ve been what was my ideal partner. As soon as we get that clarity, it’s like, “I understand what you mean now.” We can dig and talk and you can ask 1 million questions so we can zero in on that ideal client.
Everybody, you need more Jen in your life. I love Jen. We did her show and we’re becoming fast friends. Go to her email if you have a specific question, If you want to go to the website, it’s Jen, thank you so much. I enjoyed this because I love learning about marketing. I never want to do it for a living, but I love learning and understanding because it helps me when I’m with my clients to say, “You’re missing your lead magnet. You need to go talk to Jen. She can help you with that. I can’t, but she can. I know you need a lead magnet for that.” I know enough to see where they’re missing the business strategy, but I don’t know how to execute it.
The more clarity we have, the more we can refer to our partners, the more our partners can refer to us, and the more easily it is for our ideal client to find us. For me, Jen, in sales, it’s all about that clarity of that connection. The clearer we are with each other, things move rapid-fire and we could make a difference on the backends of changing their career or helping them catapult their business. Go from 6 to 7 figures or from 5 to 6 figures, whatever it might be.
It’s all about that clarity. You need the right people in your orbit and on your team to be able to create that clarity. That’s the long and short. We cannot do it alone anymore. The world has changed. Thank you so much for sharing and it’s always fun. or go to her website, Jen, thanks again for taking time out to talk to my peeps and share very thought-provoking ideas about marketing.
Thanks. I had fun.
Me, too. I hope you’ll join me every episode as we question, build, and discover no matter where you are on your journey of business or your professional life, whatever it is. I hope my guest and I provided a tip like Jen’s tips, that idea of marketing with the dating scene and building those relationships. It makes sense.
I hope you learned something valuable. For me, information is so cool. If you do nothing with that information, not so cool. Please take that information, start to dig in, and look at your numbers. Call Jen and ask for help to evaluate where you are, whatever it is for you. Take some action. When we take action, that’s where the results come in and that’s where the magic does happen and where life becomes super fun.
Check out Jen. Start to do something differently in your business or in your career. I hope Jen and I provided some clues for you. Thank you for tuning in and joining us. I wish you an inspired week and I’m honored to have you on this journey of changing your sales game with me. Thanks so much, everybody. Have a great one.
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